Sunday, November 3, 2013

Date Night With The Miller's

Weight: 293                          Total: -30 lbs (up 0.6 from yesterday)

Last night Hubby and me had a date night at the movies. We try to go on dates
at least once or twice a month. Sometimes we don't because of finances, but
we try. Dad tries to get us out almost every time he comes down too.

Rarely is there a movie out that I really care to see, so Robert usually picks the
flick. I have been waiting what seems to be endlessly for this movie to come
out at Redbox. I finally gave in and we made it a night out, kid-free.

It IS funny. It was worth the money to see, and I enjoyed every minute of our
night. We even came home to the boys having cleaned up the living room and
dining room. That was icing on the cake.

So I knew that I would probably go up a bit today, because movie popcorn is
so salty. I have been craving popcorn for over a week now, and let myself
enjoy it.

Staying moderate and within my hour. I had a Kansas BBQ sandwich with fries,
coleslaw, and possibly the smallest side salad ever seen. About half way
through my sandwich, I took the the bread off and just ate the meat.

There also was plenty of fries and popcorn left for waste. This has been very
hard for me to learn and apply, because I was taught to clean my plate. If you
were also taught this, then you know how hard it is emotionally and mentally,
to leave food on your plate for waste. I could have brought it home, but for

Tonight, the plan is having a small fried pork chop, with a sweet potato and spinach.
I may or may not have desert. Hopefully, the well laid plans of mice and men are
actually effective.

Sometime during the movie my back started hurting. It hurt through the night, and
I ended up staying in bed until 7 this morning. Even on a weekend this is not normal,
because I enjoy my coffee and computer time by myself so much.

Finally, I gave in since I had to get up to get the pain pills anyway. If any of you are
frequent readers, you know that I hardly ever take my pain pills. It was a no option
this morning. I am particularly upset about this, because it means that I am no
where near getting approval for higher impact exercise.

I am not even supposed to be dancing right now, which I sometimes ignore, because
I love it so much. Walking is boring, Pilates is great is also BORING! I want to
be playing soccer, or football, running, skating (which will probably NEVER happen

So, Tis The Season. November 1st marks the holidays for me. Christmas and
Thanksgiving are a special wonderful time for me. I am the kind of person that
lives for the holidays. Family, crafts, gifts, lights, just makes me a jolly
ol' gal. Yay!

I have read this post by Ben Stein several times and it is possibly the best
explanation of why our country has gone to shit. I've included a link, if
you care to read it also...

Ben Stein "Tis The Season" by Be & Don

Have an awesome day!


Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
2 mozzarella cheese sticks

Reward Meal
Kansas BBQ sandwich with coleslaw (1/2 with bun, 1/2 without)
Small side salad-ranch
movie popcorn


  1. Yay for date night--something we never get. My parents never offer to babysit and it is truly expensive to get a baby sitter plus go out. I live for the holidays too! I love celtic Christmas music. Exercise is boring to me too. Except for swimming. I love the pool so we try and go as a family. I dont feel like I am exercising--always a plus :) Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Well, with having 7 kids, the stress of parenting, can make you forget why you are together in the first place. If you don't take a break and enjoy each other, things can go sour really quickly. We are blessed that there are older ones to watch the littler ones. If it wasn't for that we would definitely have to be more creative.
