Thursday, November 7, 2013

Get Up Offa That Thing- Happy Dance Time!!

Weight: 288.6                        Total: -34.4

Seeing a drop for 2 days straight makes me hopeful, that I'll breeze through
this area that has always been a tough spot! A couple years ago I got down
to 287, and no matter what, I couldn't go any farther. I am pretty confident
though, that it will not happen this time.

Tonight is reward night! YEA! I promised the kids to have a great new desert
for dinner tonight, and I have absolutely no idea what! Guess, I've got some
surfing to do.

Yesterday, I actually had 3 meals and stayed under my calorie and carb limit.
I did good! Today though I will only have 2 since it's a reward night.

Let me just say, you are not required to keep a calorie limit with this way of
eating. I first put it into place so that I would learn to be more of a moderate
eater, and not binge. To help myself be accountable to what I put into my body.
If I go over on that self imposed ceiling, it's all good mate! 

As the weeks wore on, I realized I needed this limit to make sure I was eating
enough. I have days where I barely eat 900, just out of plain not being hungry.
So, if I see at the end of the day I am short, I'll try to add something to my dinner
to bring those calories up.

I do not want to starve nor binge! I want to do this the healthy way. Again, this
limit is solely on me, and has nothing to do with low carb living, or The Carbohydrate
Addict's Diet!

Dad comes down today for the weekend. YEA!! But that means there is some
prepping to do! Clean sheets, organizing (AGAIN) the girls room, and general
cleaning and straightening, so he doesn't feel as though he's coming into a pit.

I hope that all is well with your day! I leave you with a Happy Dance!
Get up offa that thing by James Brown


Meal 1
2 hard boiled eggs
2 stalks of celery

Meal 2
Spinach salad with cukes, pepperoni, provolone-ranch
3 oz pan seared pork chop

Meal 3
1 1/2 cups sauteed cabbage
1 baked leg quarter (chicken)
spinach salad with cukes, tomato, shredded cheese, provolone,
          low sodium pepperonis-ranch

1 gallon water, 3 cups coffee

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