Saturday, November 2, 2013

Bust A Move!

Weight: 292.4                   Total: -30.6

It finally moved!! Yea!! I am down to where I was and better, for a total
move of 1.7 pounds. Granted it's only 0.6 better, but after not moving
at all, this is great!

Yesterday I was called for a babysitting job. It really wasn't as bad as I
thought it would be. For half of the day I had 5 kids (including Jude) all
3 and under. Then at 3:30 pm, the big sister came home from school. Ah,
that was nice! An extra set of hands.

I may be taking them on full time, and I'm actually looking forward to it!
The biggest problem was remembering everyone's name, and pay attention
to both babies. One is not quite a year, the other is only 2 months.

Every time Jude came down to go potty he would say "I'm going to go back
and play with my girls!" Which I thought was hilarious.  "His Girls" were
the 2 and 3 year old cuties, that were both unbelievably articulate.

I tried to wait until I got home before I ate, but I at around 5 pm was worried
I'd feel famished by then, so I went ahead and ordered in and fixed the kiddos
something also.

At the end of the night I got a few I love you's, that completely melted my
heart. What a way to end the day! That is the feeling I want at the end of a
work day. Maybe child care or some other form of care, is where I need to be.

Have an awesome day everyone!
Complimentary Meal
4 oz cheeseburger (no bun)
*I was going to have sauteed cabbage, but walked away and burnt it! UGH

Reward Meal
7 naked hot wings with ranch
Small Greek Salad with oil and vinagar
1 fun size Kit Kat, Reese cup, and 10 candy corns

1 comment:

  1. are a brave,brave woman! Just the 2 infants is enough to scare me! Glad things went well, and that your scale moved :)
