Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Bounce

Weight: 286.6                         Total: -36.4

I'm starting to think it is just not meant for me to have a low carb day. I tried
the day before yesterday, and burned it. Then yesterday I tried, and it went
all to heck again.

Hubby offered to make me cabbage and kielbasa for dinner. So, I went and
picked up some more. When I went to sit at the table I noticed potatoes in it!
Aaargh, he was so well meaning, and I didn't have the heart to decline since
he thought he was doing something nice.

Since I was eating the potatoes I went ahead and had a normal reward meal.
I keep doing this 1 pound bounce back and forth, and not making any real
progress. It's really not that big of a deal to me, but I will attempt it again today.

Wednesday I have an interview, I guess you would call it, for a full time nanny
position. I am super excited about it. I would be taking care of a 2 year old and
a 4 year old. I told them that I would expect Jude to come along as well. It didn't
seem like it would be a problem.

Hope you have an awesome day!
Complimentary Meal
pepperoni and provolone

Reward Meal
Cabbage, POTATOES, and kielbasa
ice cream sandwich

3 cups of coffee, 1 gallon water

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