Thursday, October 31, 2013

Slim Pickin's

Weight: 294.1

Ugh, I hate the scale! I really do! I am still stuck. I feel smaller, but the scale says
the same. Maybe I'll try on some of my clothes today and see if there is a difference

I'm going to try to stay low carb today and tomorrow again. Which might be hard
since the cupboards are nearly bare of my food and I won't be able to do groceries
until Friday. Ho hum! That means very slim pickin's.

Hubby and I (mostly Hubby), got another wall painted in the living room. Yea! It's
going to look so nice I can't wait. I painted the dining room last fall, but there were
less hurdles to overcome, like furniture, windows, and curtains.

Curtains might not seem like a problem, but ours are the double kind and are anchored
into the wall pretty good. Anyways, it's so nice to see progress in this department.
I hate cleaning a place, for it only to look dirty when I am done.

Robert is such an artist, and so meticulous in everything he does. He has so much talent,
I wish he would do more paintings and sculptures. I on the other hand have negative
coordination, and even have trouble keeping in the lines when coloring with the kids!

I act like I'm mad when he outdoes me at something (which is most everything), but
really I am proud. Here's a few pictures of his handy work:

My reward meal was wonderful last night. I enjoyed almost every bite. Well, except
for the hockey pucks we called biscuits!

Have an awesome day guys!


Complimentary Meal
1/8 piece low carb quiche
1/2 stalk celery with cream cheese

Reward Meal
3 oz fried pork chop
1/2 biscuit
1/2 cup sausage gravy
1/2 cup green beans
spinach salad with cukes, grape tomatoes, shredded cheese, fried onions-ranch
6 fudge striped gingerbread cookies

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Word No Dieter Wants To Hear...

Weight: 294

Plateau. I again am stuck, stUCK, STUCK!  I so want to get out of this range. For about
7 years now I have not been able to get below 287. Maybe, just maybe 270. I was hoping
using the technique "confuse it, to lose it" I could slide through this tough spot. My
average for this week was only a half of a pound.

I know that I am losing weight, probably inches. Want to know why? Last night I went
to pick my son up from a football game at school, he is in the marching band. He passed
the car thinking, that looks like our car but that's not my mom! After checking out all the
other cars and mini vans I saw him looking in the windows at different angles.

He started laughing and got in. He said he passed the car twice, because he didn't think it
was me! AWESOME! Funny, and just the best affirmation ever, but this getting stuck
thing is pissing me off!

Yesterday afternoon my sweet hubby surprised me by painting one of the walls in the
living room while I took a nap with Jude. When I got up we hung some new pictures
and a clock that I had bought on it. It looks amazing. I wish I had felt good enough to
finish the living room last night. Hopefully I can get it done today, so I can lay the new

Tonight we have a yummy, but not sure if you could call it balanced, reward meal
planned. Fried pork chops, sausage gravy and biscuits, with green beans. I think I
might throw some sauteed cabbage onto my plate also, and down the sizes of the
carb rich things. I might add a salad also.

I hope your day is a great one with the sun on your face and the wind at your back!

Complimentary Meal
1 hard boiled egg
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Complimentary Meal
Low carb quiche with bacon, cheese, and broccoli

Reward meal
Chef salad with cukes, grape tomatoes, fried onions, shredded cheese, smoked ham,
1 Stalk celery with cream cheese

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ciaos In The Morning

Weight 294

I am almost back to where I was before Sunday's binge. I am looking forward to
having a true reward meal tomorrow night. Today, though I will stick to another
completely low carb day. As it stands today, my average for the week is not even a

I keep seeing changes in the mirror, and catch myself looking more and more. I'm
happy with what I'm seeing, at least with clothes on. Naked, I'm a hot mess for sure!

I also haven't really exercised in the past few days, and need to get back on that track,
since I'm no longer getting the all night workouts at Walmart.

Today, I plan on checking up on some of my applications that I've put in. I have an
offer for full time babysitting, but not sure I want to put my eggs into that basket. A
lot could go wrong with that, she could quit her job, and leave me broke for Christmas.

I am super stoked today about my Google+ community. One of my Carbohydrate Addict's
Diet heroines has asked to be apart of my community. When I first started, I was looking
for others that were successful with this way of eating. Her blog was the first I found!

Terilyn has lost close to 100 pounds! She looks amazing, and the weight loss appears to
have taken 20 years or more off of her! I am providing a few links to her blog, my
community, and another great support group! I hope you find this useful!

Terilyn's Blog

My Carbohydrate Addicts and Low Carb Support Community

Carbohydrate Addicts Support Group On Facebook

I'm not sure why I have so many kids up at the crack of dawn, but it's throwing off my
writing skills! Apparently, little man crawl in bed with me last night, wet the bed, then got
back into his bed. When hubby crawls in at 5 am, he wakes me up grumbling about it.
Which also wakes up little man.

I get up to change our sheets and Little Man's clothes, and I hear Belle. Robert tells me
she's been coughing all night. I get her some medicine and water, then send her back to
sleep. Successfully finish changing the sheets then send Rob and Jude back to bed.

At about that time China wakes up to get ready for school and tells me James needs to
wake early to finish a project. Then here comes Jude again!

Good grief! It looks as though it may be a VERY long day!

Hope your day goes well, and I'll be back tomorrow!

Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Complimentary Meal
Double Cheese Burger with pickles, no bun
1 can of no salt green beans

Reward Meal
1 1/2 baked chicken leg quarters
1 cup sauteed Normandy Blend vegetables
Spinach salad with cukes, 3 grape tomatoes, shredded cheese-ranch

4 cups of coffee, 1 gallon water, 1 liter lemon water

Monday, October 28, 2013

Not "Cured!" I Am Diagnosed And Being Successfully "Treated"

Weight:  296.2                

If any of you are following me closely, you'll realize that I am up almost 4 lbs
in one day! The newbie would be frantic, I know it's just water weight from
the high sodium intake yesterday.

For the first time since I started this WOE, I felt famished. At around 1 pm,
I felt so hungry, and no matter what I ate, I was not full nor satisfied. So, I
went ahead and made it a carb up day.

I do not want this to ever happen again, so from now on, the first thing I do
when I make my coffee, I'll boil some eggs to have something on hand. Also,
make sure I eat before 11:30 am. I think I just went to long, I really hadn't even
thought about eating, until I was in that moment.

I should be able to relieve myself of the weight before Wednesday, which is the
end of my weigh week. This incident though, made me realize, I am not "cured."
I have only be diagnosed with a metabolic issue, and am successfully being

So, today I pull my boot straps up and get back on that horse. I really am glad that
yesterday happened, and that I was able to learn from that experience. I love feeling
in control of my eating.

I can not give you all the portions of what I ate yesterday. It was a binge. I will give
you a list though.

3 Jr bacon cheeseburgers-2 without buns
1 crisy chicken sandwich
pork rinds
cake (VERY small piece, by then I felt sick)
2 pieces fried chicken (very salty)
1 cup green beans with potatoes
1 cup mashed potatoes
Sweet Iced Tea

I bid you good day! I look forward to writing to you tomorrow!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Imagine The Possibilities

Weight: 292.9    Total: -30.1

So I'm holding at 30 pounds lost. That's okay, I guess, it's a good place to hold for now.
Tonight is a real CA night, then low carb again for 2 days. I'm looking forward to a real
reward meal.

Of course I was hoping for another drop, but I could have lost 10 pounds this week and
still hoped for another drop. Knowing that you have a goal this huge coming to fruition,
is hard to be patient about. I suppose it's like a prisoner waiting for his release date, or
a child waiting for Christmas.

I quit Walmart last night. After a talk with my husband, I just couldn't put myself through
it again. As someone else this morning put it, they work you like a mule, then kick you
when your almost there. There's got to be something else out there for me.

My husband knows how much I love to work, at least I think he does. He also doesn't
want my usually good mood, to be so ornery. I have an interview tomorrow at Cracker
Barrel, maybe that will pan out.

I have big plans today though. I am buying paint and redoing my living room, then heading
out to my Uncle's for a reward meal, and to pick up my kids. I plan on eating smaller
portions of everything, because I think he's a little heavy on the salt.

I maybe getting on into a new direction with careers, and that is super hopeful! In a few
weeks I am doing some family portraits for a friend's Christmas card/wedding announce-
ments. If they are happy with my work, I will be doing their wedding next summer and
they may have another wedding lined up for me!

                                       Photo of Belle, Trinity, and Jude: Summer 2013

That just kinda came out of nowhere. I would love a job in photography! I am novice at
best, but they like my eye. So, we'll see where that goes! Up until this I have only taken
pictures of my kids, and the things around me, just thought gives me a smile though.

Well, my day is ticking away, and hopefully I will not let the computer distract me yet
again. I am a total procrastinator!

Complimentary Meal
3 egg omelette with cheese, spinach, and bacon
(which I might say tasted like a reward meal...yum yum)

Reward Meal
4 oz cheeseburger (no bun)
1 cup cooked spinach

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Start weight: 323     Current weight: 292.9     Total: -30.1 lbs (8 weeks 3 days)

YEA!! I hit 30 pounds, GONE GONE GONE. For the first time in my life I really
don't worry about it coming back! I don't feel deprived, or for there to be any
reason to fall off the wagon.

I almost want to yell "I'm cured!" In just a few short months I should be completely
released from this 160 pound jail cell that I have called my body, and be living as a
normal person. My life has already dramatically changed so much.

Turning down carbohydrates are rarely even a thought anymore, and I have to make
myself eat most days because I'm just not hungry like I used to be. Not too long ago
I would eat pancakes, eggs, and bacon for breakfast. For lunch I would have a
sandwich, or three, plus some kind of side. At dinner I would have a full plate of
whatever, go back for seconds then add desert.

I just found out yesterday that I have until the 31st until my insurance runs out, so I
am going to try to get to my doctor to have new blood work done, I am eager to
see those results!

I am trying to look at work as a workout that I am getting paid for. With all the walking,
squatting, lifting, and bending I come home feeling like I've been at the gym kickin' butt
for 9 hours! If this specific manager doesn't get off my back soon though, it will be
bye bye Walmart. I just have no tolerance for people of her kind.

"That kind" means rude and negative. I don't care if you are black, white, or green. If you
can't treat people with dignity and decency, I have no time for you. My life has had enough
crap in it to force myself to deal with yours.

I took this picture of one of my boys (Jericho) and I, with our new glasses yesterday.
I am obviously not as skinny as it makes me look, but I absolutely love it! It's almost
like a sneak peak into my very new and soon future.

Time to get on with my day! HUGGZZ to all!!
Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Reward Meal
Garden salad with ranch
Bacon Cheeseburger (no bun)

Tomorrow night I will have a real reward meal, since I get to have dinner at
my Uncle Robbie's YEA!!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 58

Weight:  295.3            

I fear that I am being taken more as whiny than assertive at work. I also don't know
if I can trust this manager that I've been talking to. I do know that she said, if I quit
she would make me a rehire after 6 months. Also, that if I wasn't doing the job to
par that she would move me before firing, or writing me up.

It's not that I don't believe what she says, it's that I don't know how far what I say
goes. If everything that I say is going back to who I'm saying it about. I'm not even
sure I care, other than I want to be seen a certain way, but definitely not as a whiner.

It's funny how much we love validation. Yesterday morning, I stopped by the gas
station that I used to work at, as I do several times a week. A frequent customer
said "Oh, I love how you changed your hair! And you're losing a lot of weight too!
I can see it."

I was looking for confirmation from her, but it felt so good. I can't even fanthom
what it will feel like at goal. I started a pintrest page for my "Goal Makeover." I figure
it is something I can spend my free time planning out. I am totally looking forward to it!

I asked Rob the other night how he would feel if I came home from our weekend
all punked out! He wasn't sure he would like it. Not sure how much that is going to
change my mind, but since I am married and all of my lovin' comes from one man, I
will probably take his opinion into consideration.

Now if he acts like he's not interested in putting a new me together, then he'll have to
get whatever I want.

Have an awesome day!
Complimentary Meal
Steak and eggs with bacon and broccoli

Reward Meal
2 cups sauteed Normandy blend veggies, no carrots
5 oz hamburger steak

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shamed For Being Gullible

Weight: 294.9                Total: -28.1

Well, today will be another low carb day. I have had two reward days, and it's time
to get moving again. I did a progress picture for motivation. I didn't really need it,
but who knows what tomorrow may bring!
Please don't look at my carpet! It's getting ready to go, THIS WEEK! I'm planning
on buying paint today, and if I decide to not go to work, I'll be painting the living
room. Then tearing out the carpet tomorrow, and laying the new.

Who in the hell puts carpet in a dining room? I have NEVER gotten that reasoning!
I mean, the indoor outdoor kind is okay, but regular household carpet? I don't know
about you, but with my brood, it's impossible!

I couldn't tell you how many times I've spot cleaned it, or used the carpet cleaner on
it. BAH! I have some nice berber going down, I can't wait, and then I have vinyl for
the dinning room.

Half of me is thinking of not even going in to Walmart tonight. I am so disappointed,
about the management there, and the way that the employees get treated. I really
wanted to be there for a while. At what cost though?!

I will probably go, I just don't know yet. I do have a fun day planned. I've got some
errands to do this morning, then I have 5 applications to follow up on. That means
I'll be MIA for dinner with the kids, because I will be taking a nap to make it
through the night.

Something To Think About
Do you remember the lady that sued McDonald's because her coffee was too hot, and
was awarded millions? I was a teenager, and I remember thinking how ridiculous the
lawsuit was and probably said some really harsh things about it.

Yesterday, I saw a video, that made me think. This video actually had the specifics
on the case, and it made me feel shamed. This lady had burns on 16% of her body.
A significant amount of that was 3rd degree burns. All because McDonald's purpose-
fully served the coffee 30 degrees hotter than normal.

She was also not the only one who was burned to the point of medical care. She
was just the one to sue. Her only interest in the case was to pay her medical bills,
and make McDonald's serve their coffee at a lower temperature, but the media turned
it all around.

In fact Ms Liebeck only sued after they refused to lower it and offered her $800
towards her medical bills that were actually in the thousands.

It is too late to say sorry to Ms. Liebeck, she passed away some years ago. I truly
feel bad for the bullying and jeering she had to endure, just to stand up for herself,
and try to stop a giant from hurting others.

I hope all is well with you and yours today.

Complimentary Meal
2 cups sauteed cabbage in sesame oil
1 baked chicken leg quarter

Reward Meal
Salad with spinach and spring mix, cukes, tomato, fried onions-ranch
2 cups spaghetti with meat sauce and wheat noodles
1 piece garlic bread
1 pumpkin spice cupcake with cream cheese icing

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Moving Up, Moving Down, Moving On

Start: 323 lbs   Current: 294.9 lbs   Average (week): -1.9 lbs   
                                Total: -28.1

Today's plan is to put in a marathon of applications, and try to find another job by
tomorrow, hopefully. I totally don't want this job anymore. I may want to come
back later into another position, but I will not be bullied.

Rob, my husband, is totally with me on this. Also, I need to write an official letter
to a higher supervisor. I will not walk away without being heard.

Since Christmas is coming, and we will soon be trying to buy a house, I can't afford
being jobless on paper. Wanna see the house we have in our sights?

I can't believe this is the house we are looking at possibly buying! I think when Dad
comes back we are actually going to see it, and another. The second house is bigger,
by 1,000 square feet, but the lot is smaller.

I may be getting carried away! Some things have to be put in order, and of course the
house could be sold, before that happens. But it's nice to dream, and knowing that dream
could be a reality is awesome!

So another day and another pound gone, I am on my way! Moving up, Moving down,
and moving on!

Hope you have an awesome day. Dream big! Every achievement starts as a dream!

Complimentary Meal
1 hard boiled egg

Reward Meal
1 baked sweet potato with butter
1 cup cooked spinach with butter
2 sauteed brussel sprouts
1 baked leg quarter
Salad with cukes. tomato, beets, shredded cheese, wheat crackers, fried onions-ranch
1 small apple
1 pk Little Debbie Nutty bars
Lemon water

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

She Must Have The Wrong Person

Start: 323         Current: 296        Total: -27 lbs

I have only worked five shifts at Walmart, and I already don't care whether I have
the job or not. There is a specific manager that has her bug up her butt, because I
complained about her. She is probably worse, than an other supervisor I have been
around or worked under.

She yells at people, belittles employees in front of others, paces back in forth, rarely
pitching in just barking orders and getting in on people's grooves, making it hard for
anyone to complete their tasks.

If I was the only one being effected, I wouldn't say anything. Why is this tyrant
allowed to stay in this position? Almost everyone cowers or rolls their eyes when
they hear her call their name, sorry SHOUT their name.

Tomorrow is all about putting more applications in. I was really hoping that Walmart
was a company that I could stay with for a while, but I've just about had it. After being
accused of bringing a cart to the back that I didn't, being demanded that I was to stay
late, then to boot told to clock out (before I was finished with prior tasks) because I
refused to stay longer.

Along with those applications, I think I will write up an official complaint, to be
a parting gift to "The Tyrant." I even may make a special copy just for her.

I need a job I can feel successful in, and as of now, I don't feel successful regardless
of the amount of energy I have put into it. I don't mind a heavy work load, in fact I
appreciate it, because it makes the time go faster and provides a challenge. High energy
to the point I am sweating pretty much all night.

There is a reason to celebrate today though. I have lost another 1.2 pounds. At least I am
successful in something! Getting this weight off is definitely a blessing, one that has been
a long time coming!

Always look for the silver lining! Have an awesome day.
Complimentary Meal
Chef salad with ranch

Reward Meal
1/2 medium sized sweet potato with butter
1 cup cooked spinach with butter
1 small apple
Chef salad with ranch and wheat crackers

Monday, October 21, 2013

From The Depths Of Zombie Land

Weight: 297.2                      Total: -25.8

I didn't write yesterday. I also spent more time on the couch than anywhere else.
This schedule has got me coming and going. I need to find another part time job
at night until I can get on full time at Walmart.

I've been trying to find the person responsible for scheduling my hours, but to no
avail. I basically don't care what days they put me on, as long as it stays the same,
so I can schedule somewhere else.

My mind feels like mush, and I'm having a hard time thinking of great things to
write about. Literally some days I feel like the walking dead. How about some
links to extraordinary weight loss successes? I'm only going to show natural
weight loss success stories.

It is not that surgery patients are not successes, as I was trying to be one myself.
Since my insurance denied me, I have found the drive to doing this naturally, and
this is what interests me.

This girl is amazing. She now has lost 163 pounds!

Another AMAZING girl loses 170 lbs!

Hope today's blog has been inspiring. I am on to getting the day started!

I slept through breakfast and lunch.

1/2 steak and cheese sub
1/2 large chef salad with ranch
piece of cake with buttercream icing
2 chicken tenders with bbq sauce

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Weight: 297.7                       Total:  -25.3

I am miserable today. I didn't sleep well at all, I had cramps all night. Bleh! I do
have to say it's probably the best miserable feeling I've had since my fingers are
so swollen my rings are cutting, but I still lost 1.1 lbs!

I was expecting a spike not a drop for this time of the month! So, with that I am
ineffably impressed. However, I am worried about working tonight.

I am so beat, I am going to lay back down. Have  a good day guys!


Complimentary Meal
1 cup green beans
5 oz hamburger patty with shredded cheese

Reward Meal
Chef Salad with ranch and fried onions
10 hot wings

Friday, October 18, 2013

Looking Towards The Future

Weight: 298.8                      Total: - 24.2

Another 1/2 pound GONE! I'm not surprised, but very happy! Low carb does the trick
every time! Definitely had a "Happy Dance" moment, not sure why. It's not a goal day,
just another day closer, I guess!

I was watching some success videos last night, and there is a bread I want to try, It's
called Flat Out Flatbread. There are a ton of lower carb recipes on the internet, and while
my family is enjoying pizza, I could be enjoying my own version of it.

I will probably have another low carb day. I'm only days away from a spike on the
scale due to my cycle, and I don't ever want to see the 3's again! If you don't agree
with my logic, too bad!

I would have been happier to get more veggies in yesterday, but I wasn't expecting
to get a side job. It was a grab and go meal, and to boot it was McYuckies!

Last night my daughter, China, and I spent sometime looking for some makeover ideas.
The plan is, everyone says we look so much alike that we are going to get identical
makeovers when I reach goal, to get that one picture to see how much we really do.

Here are a few of our hair ideas:

I also searched information for laser skin resurfacing. The outcomes are great but it
seems a lot more painful than I thought. It also costs a lot more than I thought. I'm
going to do some more searching on it, and I need to find a good cosmetic surgeon.

Some of the results are amazing, taking 10-30 years off of your face. I know it's
completely vain, and I should be ashamed of myself.  

I slept in this morning, and my time is cut short! Ah the joy's of motherhood. Have an
awesome day!


Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs

Complimentary Meal
2 McDoubles without bun or ketchup, but extra pickles

Reward Meal
3 oz flank steak
3/4 cup of spinach

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sabotaged By Salad Dressing

Weight: 299.3                  Total: -23.7

It is so nice to put a two at the beginning of my weight! I was so worried that I would
weigh this morning and have gained back into the 3's. I will see a spike this week, for
it is about that time of the month again...BOO!

I think I'm going to do 2 more low carb days before the weekend, in hopes that I can
lose a little more and that it doesn't go past that line. It is such a relief, I never want to
see that number again, unless it's on a bank deposit slip!

Read your labels! I realized yesterday that the salad dressing I have been using for years,
had 11 g of carbs per serving. I could have sworn it was like 4 g. I didn't even realize it,
but I was sabotaging some of my days with this condiment! WOW!

I obviously still lost, but it may have been more if I had been reading ALL of my labels.
I don't even know what possessed me to look last night. I'm glad I did though. It has
taught me to be more vigilant. Knowledge is power.

I really wish I could watch a whole movie without dosing off during it. Last night we
watched Little Orphan Annie, and I fell asleep while they were in the movie theater, and
woke up to them singing about getting her. I hadn't seen the movie since I was a kid
myself, so I couldn't remember what had happened to make him decide to keep her.

Then we watched one of the older Riddick movies, I again dosed off and came back
at the end, and had no idea what was going on. I've never paid attention to it when it
was playing before and want to see the older ones before seeing the newer one.

There maybe a new gym coming to your town. An inventive idea, Downsized Fitness,
a gym where only overweight people are allowed to join! Prospective members have to
be 50 lbs overweight and a BMI above 30%.  I LOVE IT! Right now I believe they are
only in Chicago, but since they are successful, it maybe a trending thing soon!

If you'd like to know more, or are in the Chicago area here's a link!
Downsize Fitness

I have a ton of stuff to do today and tomorrow, because I know I won't be doing much
around here during the weekend. I'm going to finish this up and get started!

Have an awesome day my friends!

Complimentary Meal
1 scrambled egg with cheese
3 Jimmy Dean maple sausage links

Complimentary Meal
3 oz flank steak with Texas Pete and ranch
1/2 of a turkey and provolone sub-in-a-tub (salad)-sweet vidalia

Reward Meal
1/4 sub-in-a-tub Turkey and provolone-ranch (add beets, cukes, and fried onions)
4oz flank steak
Assorted melon chunks and strawberries
1 cupcake...yum yum!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Another Goal Met! Hello Facebook Friends!

Weight: 299.3           Total: 23.7 lbs

I have made it to the "twosies!" Wow, it took 7 long, but not hard weeks! I am not even
close to finish, but it is time to share my accomplishments, with my friends.

I know that I haven't posted in a few days. Working nights has really screwed with my
sleep, and besides barely being able to walk (everything hurts), I stagger around like a
zombie most of the time.

It has messed up my rhythm, metabolism, and appetite. Two days ago, I actually had 2
reward meals and then yesterday was low carb. I was only able to eat approximately 500
calories. Way too low!

I will make an effort today to eat more, but still stay low on the carbs. In no way am I
promoting that low of a caloric intake. Eat! I just fell asleep an missed lunch, but
proceeded to eat what I had planned for dinner.

If you are just joining me on this adventure of being "Half The Girl," I have been
following The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, for the most part. I have started to plateau,
and have implemented low carbohydrates days into my weeks.

At 280 lbs, I plan to go into a maintenance level, and commit mostly to quitting smoking.
This goal was set so that if I gain 10 pounds in the process, it will not devastate me.

I try to log my food intakes here, so you can see how I eat, and see that losing weight
does not mean being deprived. This way of eating is not for everyone.

This diet may be for you IF:
-you have insulin problems
-crave pastas, sugars, and starches
-find it near impossible to keep a caloric ceiling
-feel deprived of the good stuff, while trying to achieve weight loss
-want a diet that you can LIVE with, not just drop and gain back

I'm up for any questions or support, as I make a super-human attempt at being half the
girl I was in those wedding pictures! I still have 138 lbs to go, with hopes that I will be
close to goal by next June.

I feel I need to again post about the changes that I have noticed beside losing weight,
and dropping pant sizes also. Some of these things have been altered with the new job
schedule, but on the whole are still true.

-extreme energy and endurance
-sleeping through the night
-able to easily keep a caloric ceiling
-blood sugar stabilized
-I do not feel deprived
-I have control over my eating habits
-naturally became a morning person, I have never been that!
-little to no pain, which had become chronic
-hair and nails growing healthy, stronger, and thicker

If you feel the desire to join me, I suggest getting the book The Carbohydrate Addict's
Diet by Dr. Rachael F. Heller, Dr. Richard F. Heller . I got mine from for $4,
including shipping and handling. It has been the best four dollars I have ever spent!

Also, my exercise for the last few days have been replaced, by a ridiculous work load in
the Health and Beauty Aids section for our local Walmart! I am always the lucky one, to
get the hardest job. The one no one wants. Do I have a sign that says "Challenge Me" on
my forehead?

You do not have to exercise, to lose weight on this plan. I am just determined not to be 
"skinny fat." I will undoubtedly have to have skin surgery to lose the excess, and I want 
to look good naked, not just in clothes. My goal is to be healthy and active, but what is 
the point of getting that far, and not looking the best you can under the circumstance? 

On the days that I am there I am in charge of stocking anything from cosmetics, to
shampoo, to toothpaste. It is only 11 isles that I have been thrown into completing in
8 hours, oh, and with very little training to boot! If you want a clear picture of what
my job entails, go to your local Walmart, and walk from the nail polish to the sanitary

I was so overwhelmed last night, that I started crying and was about to walk out. Thank
G'd I had a manager, that just smiled when I tried to hand her my badge, and told me she
had felt the exact same way when she took over HBA, and that I was doing a wonderful

I now know that if I had handed my badge to any other manager, they would have just
let me go. There's some shady management at this store, and glad that I still have this
job. Any who, I got two managers pissed at me because I ratted them out, as to them
not training me and dumping me by myself.

They can be pissed all they want, but I am there to stay. For once I am comfortable
with cameras being on me all the time. It very well may insure that I keep my job.

If you are interested in more info about this way of eating I am providing links to
earlier posts and also their official website. If you look for reviews, you will not
see a ton of good reviews for it. I still don't understand why, because it has totally
changed my life and my focus on food.

Official Website: The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet
Getting Started: August 29, 2013...323 lbs
Buy the book: Buy it used for $.01 plus shipping!
Support group:

People refuse to believe you can eat cake, and still lose weight. You of course can not
be a glutton continuously, but if you balance your reward meals, you will be healthy
and achieve a loss.

Not all of my reward meals are balanced, but on the whole I try, and I am eating so
much healthier than I probably ever have. It is mostly due to not craving the crap that
I have craved in the past.

If I want Taco Bell or a pretzel burger from Wendy's, a piece of pie, or whatever, I eat
it in the time allowed and get that out of the way. If I do decided to indulge, I try to
include a salad, an apple, and/or veggies to off set the sodium intake a little, but that is
just me.

When I first started I ate like a pig at my reward meals, but by the second week I had to
push myself most days to eat 1200 calories. I have found that tracking my food allows
me to make better choices as far as nutrition goes and keeps me accountable to eat
enough, but not too much!

I am still embarrassingly morbidly obese. I don't mind though, because I now have a
plan that I can live with. I will not be like this forever, for once in my life there is a
light at the end of the tunnel for my weight battle. A battle I had almost given up on!

Thank you everyone for reading! Thank you for all the +1s, and shares! It means a lot
to me that I have people reading everyday, and following my progress.

Look out I come!

Complimentary Meals
2 hard boiled eggs

Reward Meal
Baked chicken leg quarter
1 cup cooked spinach with butter
1/2 cup green beans

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Beyond Exhausted

Weight: 300.5                Total: 22.5

I got a ton of exercise last night, for sure. I feel it in every part of my body! Stocking
Walmart shelves is a very physical job! I was so very glad when they moved me from
grocery to health and beauty aids.

My comfy no-slip shoes, are not so comfy. They were fine for the first 4 hours, it
was just down hill from there. I have multiple blisters, tonight is going to be fun, fun,

I also saw a classic People of Walmart moment. These girls were dressed in the most
appalling outfits, that several guys from the grocery side visited our isles just to get a
good look. I just can not explain, but they had thigh high boots, short shorts, and afro
wigs, with blouses that had their boobs hanging out.

I don't have much time to write, because I need to get dinner started.
Have a great night.

Hopefully I won't be as exhausted tomorrow, or be rushed!


Complimentary Meal

3 fried eggs
3 pieces smoke ham (lunch meat)
shredded cheese

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, fried onions- ranch
1/2 Dannon blueberry yogurt
1/2 cheesesteak sub (from Jersey Mike's...YUM)
1/2 small bag of BBQ chips

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Grave Yard Shift

Weight: 300.5         Total: 22.5
                        (less than a pound to mini goal...oh scale why must you toy with me?)

I was very low on my food intake yesterday. I went to bed very early to adjust my schedule
for working 3rd shift, starting tonight. I was really looking forward to the baked chicken,
that was being made, but I knew I needed to wake up around 3 am. So I threw together a
low carb dinner to make sure I wasn't skipping completely. I did not feel like I was starving

My plan is to go back to bed around 2:30 this afternoon and hopefully wake up around 8
pm. Fingers crossed, it will be a successful idea. Otherwise I may need to hop up on
some of that liquid cardboard they call coffee at work!

I have less than a pound to go before unveiling my blog to my personal friends! A tad
nervous, not sure what kind of responses I will get. I have lost a lot of weight for only
being on this way of eating for 6 weeks and a few days. So far it averages out to almost
3.5 lbs a week.

In just 15 pounds, I will most likely go into maintenance mode for a few weeks. I'm
already smaller than what I was 2 years ago, even though I weigh more. I love the
feeling of being light on my feet. Hustling about is so much less effort. I can't imagine
what I'll feel like at goal, at this rate I'll feel like I'm going to blow away!

My mother hasn't seen me for about a month and a half, I can't wait. We don't talk
much, but she has always obsessed about my weight. Probably because she feels
guilty, or maybe she just obsesses about everything. The latter is probably spot on!

What would really be cool, is to hide out until I hit goal! Then it'd be like a morph in to
someone completely different! Ha Ha! Oh my, I'm just thinking way too much into this.
Lack of sleep, I guess?!

Have a GRRREAT day!!

Complimentary Meal
2 Hard boiled eggs

Complimentary Meal
Beef jerky

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, shredded cheese, fried onions- sweet vidalia
1 cup frozen spinach with 1 tbsp unsalted butter.
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Friday, October 11, 2013

Preparing For The Holidays

Weight: 301.9                       Total: 21.1

At least it held, and didn't go up. Even if it had, it'd be okay. Yesterday I followed a
normal Carbohydrate Addict's meal, and today once again I will go low carb. I am
also feeling better. Except for a stubborn headache that wouldn't go away yesterday.
I drank some wine at dinner, and it finally left...Ha! Ha! take THAT!

Had a talk with Dad last night, and he agreed with my thought process. If I continue
with this weight loss rate, I should be hitting my "quit weight" around the holidays. If
it happens before Christmas, we're going to wait til the first of the year.

We want to make sure it's not at a stressful time of year. I love Christmas and the last
thing I want is to be is grumpy, or short with people. I always try to do a lot of baking
and projects with the kids, and I have a few lined up already.

Here are a couple, if you're that kinda person also.

Fall table decorations

Homemade Christmas Ornaments

I'm not a very artsy person, but I try, and these seem simple enough. We also make
goody boxes for all the people we know, especially for the ones who have everything!

This going to be a short one. I have a ton of things to do since I have to be at work at
9 am. The kids need to be dressed and ready for school, I for work, and I need to at
least stretch this morning (still no Pilates because of my arm...BOO).

Good day friends!
Complimentary Meal
3 cups sauteed cabbage and green beans with sesame oil
3-4 oz cheeseburger steak

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, beets, shredded cheese, wheat crackers
 - sweet vidalia dressing
1 piece Papa Murphy's pepperoni pizza
1 pack Nutty Bars
1/2 Dannon low fat cherry yogurt
1/2 cup applesauce
2 glasses of cabernet

3 cups of black coffee, 1 1/2 gallons water

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Trip To The Feeding Troth

Weight: 301.9            Total: -21.1 lbs  (I have lost more than a car tire!)

I usually stay away from buffets, but my favorite steak comes from one of the worst,
Golden Corral. Years ago, I donned it "The Feeding Troth." Where 4-500 pound people
come to shovel in plate after plate, with grease dripping from their chops, and gluttony

I'm not picking on fat people, hell I'm fat too! I do however, even as a fat person, know
to stay away from traps like this. In full you will see how my life has changed with this
way of eating.

I ate NOTHING with more than 4 carbs per serving. I had my fill of green beans,
cabbage, buffalo wings, spinach salad with the low carb choices, steamed cauliflower,
and a plain burger no bun no sauce. I had initially went for the steak, but they didn't
have it on the lunch anymore! A grand total of 21 carbs for that meal!

The other goodies only whispered to me, and I brushed them off without a second
thought. So easy to turn away from food, when I know they make me ill, compromise
my life, and make me FAT! By "know" means, not told by someone, but can feel
the difference!

I slid in right under my sodium intake for the day, so I made it my reward meal!

I also got caught in a time warp with two old ladies named Marsha and Lois. It was
a pleasant unexpected surprise. After we had started a conversation in line, they offered
to share their coupon with us, then asked for Jude and I to sit with them.

We talked about friends we had lost, our bad food habits, and Dolly Parton. I really do
enjoy the company of older people. I grew up with my grandparents being in the Masons
and Easter Star. So all my BEST friends, were older ages of 60-90. At a very young age
I was able to carry, this what everyone says, a very intelligent conversation compared to
others my age.

By the time I was 18, all of my dearest friends were gone. Mr. and Mrs. Spain, who
would bring me fresh honey and my favorite coconut cake. I still haven't found a cake
comparable to hers!

Then my very best friend Col.Tank, who shot himself when I was about 11 because he
was stricken with cancer, and he couldn't take the pain anymore. I've prayed for him
many times throughout the years, that G'd would give him mercy, I so would love to
see him again!

I can't forget Jimmy. Blinded from a gun shot wound in World War II, he was always
so funny! Only today can I appreciate what he gave up for me to be free and what he
did to save G'd's people during that time! He would only need to hear my voice, and
would yell "Is that my favorite little girl I hear?!"

Well, I fell asleep early last night and since I had promised to do dishes, everyone
was gracious enough to leave them for me! How sweet of them! I must go clean
this atrocity.

I bid you good day and many blessings throughout your endeavors!
Complimentary Meal
2 Hard boiled eggs

Reward Meal
*Golden Corral

2 cups black coffee, 1 1/2 gallons of water

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Making it MOVE!

Weight: 304.5                  Total: 18.5    Average for the week:??

I DID IT!! I got that blasted scale to move! I am thinking about doing one more
day of low carb. Not sure though. What I do know, I woke up at 4:30 am, I am
feeling alive again! Oh, and I got that damn scale to MOOOVE!!

All day yesterday, while I went to a bogus interview and then Walmart orientation, I
had a "skinny day." You know those days that you feel light on your feet, and your
clothes fit well, and you simply FEEL smaller?! Yeh, one of those days!

My daughter and I were talking and really I have gone down almost 2 pant sizes. From
a extremely tight 24 to a loose 22. I can see the rationale in that, because truly if I had
been willing to buy a 26, they probably would have fit!

Anywho, even though I am heavier than when I met my hubby, by about 15 pounds, I
am actually smaller in size. That is strange to me, but maybe it's from the Pilates elon-
gating my body.

I'm not sure how to add my average this week. At the beginning of the week I had a spike
to 306, then back down to 304. So it will either be a negative loss, or .08 loss, so I'll just
skip the technicalities of the math this week, and enjoy the progress. Maybe by the end of
this week I can get under 300 lbs?! Maybe, it's possible!

I am just one...

Thank you for you for reading, your +ones, and shares. It means bunches to me, and I
hope my journey helps you!

2 eggs
2 pieces baked bacon

7 hot wings-ranch
spinach salad with cukes, tomato, and shredded cheese-ranch

(OH, and I forgot to add, even though I did a lot of walking yesterday, I DID NOT sweat!)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Breaking The Plateau-Briser le plateau-Romper la meseta

Weight: 306.5

Yesterday I called myself having a carb day in efforts to break the plateau. I can not eat
the way I used to by any means. I didn't want pancakes, or pizza, or burgers. I literally
had to force myself to indulge a little and I felt yucky.

I even had my choice of whatever I wanted for dinner, I chose a salad and wings. I had
a gourmet pizza for breakfast (good but not grand), and ham and cheese sandwich for
lunch. Let me stop here.

I have been looking at this butter bread all week, thinking damn I'd love to make a sand-
wich with that. It was so disappointing, because I did not like it...but I still ate it. I know,
poor me, right?!

I had some Sprite and a that Pepsi with a cigarette was GREAT!!! I also had
a snack fest with the hubby while we watched "Django." I started to log my food, but then
gave up. I figured after six devoted weeks to logging and focus, I should try to enjoy the
day, because there won't be another unless I plateau again.

I was totally prepared to see a spike on the scale today, and I will be okay. I just need it
to move! I don't want to go for weeks on end without losing at all! That is for the birds,
or maybe a more patient person.

I am so looking forward to today being totally low carbohydrates...ALL DAY LONG!
I feel like crap this morning! Weirdest conclusion ever! I always thought my excessive
sweat was from sweating through the pain. I now think it has something to do with the
carbs! I was not in pain yesterday at all, and I was sweating like someone was trickling
water on the top of my head! I haven't sweat like that in weeks.

Yesterday, I went shopping for uniforms. I took a size 22 and a size 24 for each pair
of pants that I picked. I didn't even have to try on the 24's, I am officially a 22 again!!

Some may argue that I was just holding my weight while my body adjusted. This
motivated momma says "I ain't got no time fo dat!"


Monday, October 7, 2013

Being Proactive

Weight: 305.8

I still haven't moved an ounce. I have only heard of such things, and I'm not willing for it
to stay like this. Getting the next 15-20 lbs off is crucial. Hell, it's all crucial, but the next
15-20 pounds deal with mobility.

I was toying with the idea of having a carbohydrate rich day, but I really don't want it. I
have very little desire for carbs. I had a piece of cake last night for Jericho's birthday, my
little bug in the rug is 12 now and not so little anymore. The cake was very rich, good,
but almost too rich.

I've also thought about doing very low carb, but more frequent meals. I would have to,
to keep my blood sugar from plummeting. Since I rarely feel hunger anymore, that just
doesn't sound feasible.

Needless to say, I am PETRIFIED to change my way of eating! If I had gained or lost
even a smidge I wouldn't be worried at all, but I have heard that plateaus have lasted
weeks to months. I am just to proactive to let that happen!

Complimentary Meal
1 can no salt green beans with a pinch of kosher salt and butter (also no salt)
3-4 oz cheeseburger, no bun or extras

Reward Meal
Spinach salad-cukes, tomato, beets- sweet vidalia dressing
1 1/2 cups cheesy mac bake with kielbasa and broccolli
1/2 Dannon cherry yogurt
1 big slice of birthday cake (yellow mix with chocolate, I substitute the oil with applesauce)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

No Loss, But No Gain

Weight: 305.8 STILL!

Apparently, my scale is just STUCK! I haven't moved an ounce either way for days.
It is so unnerving. I was having trouble eating enough, and added a meal, which lead
to a 2 lb gain. I switched back and lost one of those pounds, but now nothing, nothing,

I have even added daily exercise. I was trying to stay low impact 3-4 times a week. A
short walk, shooting hoops, Pilates, stretching, and occasionally Dance Central. Now
I'm up to longer walks and the rest, but everyday. Switching it up so it doesn't get
redundant or boring.

I will not give up! For the first time ever I am not giving up on the diet. I've said this before,
even if I never lost another pound (which please G'd don't let that be the issue) I love this
way of eating. My energy levels are unbelievable, my blood sugar is not swinging back
and forth, my hair and nails are growing stronger and healthier, I feel stronger, and I sleep
better. There are probably more results, I just can't think of them.

So, if I'm not giving up, what do I do? I'm just not sure. I've bought some extra vitamins.
Now I'm taking five different ones.

*vitamin E
*Vitamin C

I keep forgetting to get a fiber supplement, but I have a tad bit of a theory which I
have not researched. If I'm not getting enough potassium, I believe my body may
think I'm dehydrated and retain the weight.

I did look at my the graph where I log my food, and I am under in potassium almost
everyday. So, we'll see. I never thought about actually logging my multivitamin though,
good grief!

I didn't post yesterday because I had been hired to clean out someone's garage. I went
early and we had it done by noon. Last night I could feel the good burn in my tummy,
but I may have pulled my shoulder wrong because it burns from the cuff to my wrist.

I put the money to good use. I took half for an upgrade to my frumpy self and
took the other half for my son's birthday today. I had my eyebrows waxed (not like they
are out of control anyways-they are so light you can barely see them), got my hair cut
and dyed it. I have to say I feel much better!

My little girl has a friend's birthday party to go to today also. Of course she is bumbling
about getting ready hours and hours ahead time! This leaves my "me time" to about 10
minutes this morning! Don't get me wrong, I love every moment good or bad, but with
seven kids I cherish my  new found alone time every morning! It's almost like a reset,
or a mini vacation everyday.

The best part about it, I think it makes me a better, more patient and happier mum! That's
what my kids deserve!

I guess I must go and bid you good day! In any event, I hope that I inspire at least one

Complimentary Meal
2 Jr bacon cheeseburgers extra pickle, no bun

Reward meal
1/2 Wendy's small chili
1 grilled chicken wrap
3/4 baked potato with sour cream and butter
2 bites of hubby's pretzel burger
Spinach salad with tomato, cukes, beets, colby and monterrey jack cheese- sweet vidalia dressing

Friday, October 4, 2013


Weight: 306.8            

I didn't blog yesterday. I was really too irritated to be any good. I tried to quit smoking, I
lasted until about 9 pm. I really can't explain how I was feeling.

I am, and was, even more annoyed that my weight loss has seemed to slow to a halt and
now is coming back up! I have a few words here, that I am just not going to say.

My average calorie intake is about 1500. I SHOULD BE STEADILY losing, especially
since that is about HALF of what I used to eat! I am starting to question, whether I
should go back mostly low carb.

I don't want to be unhealthy. I know my body needs fruits and other fibers. I really don 't
know what to do except stay on this path. I don't want to gain back all of the weight I've
already lost.

I even have changed my deserts most nights to a Fiber One bar, instead of a cookie or
what have you.

So, when I say I'm too irritated to be any good. I really mean it.

Here is what I do consistently every day. I drink 3 cups of black coffee, 1- 1 1/2 gallons
of water, a multivitamin, 1 low carb brunch, and my reward meal which is full of the dairy,
and fruits that I need to be healthy, but well within the 60 minutes suggested. I've also
been doing some kind of exercise 3-4 times a week.

Maybe it is just my body regrouping. Maybe it's not all that I it's cracked up to be. Maybe
I am just cursed to be a fat person with a fractured back, and that's how my life is going
to be.

I am whining straight from my pitty pot.

I've also thought about changing my meals around. Higher carb for brunch and low carb
for dinner. I just don't know if watching my kids eat normally while I eat an egg is going
to work.

I hope your day is more clear and uncomplicated than mine today.


Complimentary Meal
Baked chicken breast (dipped in mayo and hot sauce)
1 can green beans

Reward Meal
1/2 cup roasted redskin potatoes (maybe not even that)
1 cup strawberry yogurt
1 cup 1% milk
Fiber One bar
Sliced apple with peanut butter
1 med banana
1 chili dog

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Weight: 304.8      Total: -18.2     Average: -1.4 (for the week)

Seems as though my weight loss was slower this week. I did do a bit of weight
training yesterday with my Mr. Awesome. We have this hideous eye sore in the
middle of our living room, because the skeeters are just to bad to work out in the

I had him show me how to adjust it for different things, and did some reps for
my triceps and biceps. If it's gonna be in the house might as well skip the gym
payment and use it. We still need to replace a few things, to work on the lower
body though.

I've also decided to come up with a schedule of exercise, so it's not the same
thing everyday. I hate exercise anyways, add the same ones everyday and there is
NO enthusiasm for it at all! BORING!

I have three really big worries about my body losing weight. First, is my arms.
They have always been big, so I want them to not only to be proportionate, but
also not so saggy. Second, my tummy and the extra skin that is bound to be there.
Third, the inside of my thighs.

Last night was sampler night. It's a way to expand the kids palate, for things
besides burgers and pepperoni pizza. So, basically the table is full with different
things to try. Sometimes there is a theme, sometimes not. Also we try to include
a few things not so exotic, so our more picky ones don't go to bed hungry.

We had 2 different kinds of empanadas (pork and chicken), dry rub ribs, cheesy
focaccia bread, Caribbean rice and bean salad, carrots and green beans, Santa Fe
Chicken pizza, Greek artichoke salad, and beef bean burritos. I had a little of every-
thing, and again was surprised that I didn't do so badly. I am more worried about
the sodium, because since it was mostly deli food, there is no nutritional value to

All through the night I had weird dreams. First I fell asleep on the couch and, for
what had been quite a while, I dreamed that I had to pee so bad that I couldn't walk.
In every sequence I would find a nasty bathroom, some with diseased people. At the
end of every sequence I would realize that I really have to go to the bathroom and
dream that I woke myself up to go.

Man, by the time I woke up I was in pain and barely got to the potty on time. After
I crawled into bed with Rob, I continued to have weird story like dreams. It was a
restless night.

The girls woke up early excited about picture day, so I guess I'm off. May your day
be wonderful with the wind at your back and sunshine on your face.


Complimentary Meal
2 scrambled eggs with slice of American cheese
1 slice bacon
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Reward meal
Sampler night as stated in body

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sleep Walking

Weight: 304.8                   Total: -18.2

The weirdest thing happened last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and for some
reason thought I was late getting up, and it had eaten into my "me time." I tried to wake
my hubby who had fallen asleep on the couch again watching a movie, but he barely

I went ahead and made a cup of coffee, then tried to wake him again, "Switch." Still hardly any response. I go out to the porch and weigh myself, 306.1. Great, now it's going to be one of those days!

A third time trying to wake the man finally achieves some result. Promptly I go to to see how all of my "friends" have done, and realize it didn't
complete my food diary for yesterday. No matter how many times I click it, it says
the same thing. Yep, it's going to be one of those days!

I was so irritated I closed the computer, laid down on the couch and decided to sleep
until it was school time for the kids. It was only 6 am when I woke up, and I know I
slept longer than 30 minutes. Heaven knows what ungodly hour I was up last night!
When I weighed a second time it was back down to 304.2! Maybe, just maybe, it
won't be one of those days!

I think yesterday, my food was the best I've ever done! I am getting used to sodium
counts, nutritional counts, and caloric contents in food.
This IS NOT a count your calorie lifestyle! But I have noticed if I watch the calories
consumed, I am less likely to be unreasonable and more likely to have healthy moderate

I am not only a carbohydrate addict, I am a food addict. I tend to use food like I used
drugs so many years ago. So tracking my intake has given me a "don't be stupid" tool.
I do encourage you, not to take away from the life saving book the Heller's wrote, to go to and join. Find members that encourage you daily, listen to you
whine, understand your struggles, give you advice about toning, and leave inspiring
threads with success stories.

I do believe two things. The Carbohydrate Addict's book was put down because the
people who read it, did not really read it. You can have anything you want, as long as
it's balanced. Balance is the key, and unfortunately it was completely over looked for
the excuse to be pigs. Do I eat cake? YES. Do I eat it every night? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
One can not expect to be healthy by eating unhealthy.

As the days go by I want to meet the Heller's to ask them questions, and see if I intuitively
picked this diet apart right to get to it's core. Firmly there is some correlation to preventing
the cravings and achieving a healthy caloric goal. I do it everyday with barely any effort.
Most days I even have to make myself eat, because the hunger is not there anymore.

The second, tracking your food, makes you accountable for yourself. It is very hard
to see our own miss givings, but if we take a look at them it gives us an opportunity
to change. Going blindly into a battle is not a very good decision, you are not going to
win. This weight issue we have is a battle. Not to be socially acceptable, but to extend
our lives and truly enjoy it.

I am on this journey, and yes it's long, but I will make it. However long or short my life
will be from here on out, I will enjoy it.


Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 1/2 Jimmy Dean Maple links

Complimentary Meal
2 cups sauteed cabbage in sesame oil (flavored with garlic and onion powder, pepper,
   and Ms. Dash original)
4 oz hamburger steak

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with tomatoes, beets, black olives-sweet vidalia dressing
1/2 Taco Bell soft taco
1 frozen burrito, beef and bean
1 Fiber One bar, chocolate peanut butter brownie