Monday, September 30, 2013

Not Such A Smooth Move, Ex-Lax!

Weight: 305.0                           Total: -18 lbs

What I may have found out is that eating breakfast makes me hungrier! It's not too big
of a surprise, it's been my biggest fault with caloric diets. Unlike those though, I was
able to hold out until 11:30 am, just about my regular lunch time anyways.

I also realized that green tea is not a replacement for my morning coffee (ha ha)! I do
like green tea, but I guess my body is used to having it woken up with a cup of Joe. As
a result, I dragged a bit yesterday.

Coffee also stimulates a bathroom visit, which since I didn't drink any, of course didn't
happen! That info might be TMI for some, but it's a very important thing for anyone trying
to lose. You can lose weight with out losing inches, and that malfunction is usually the

If you think that this might be your problem, stay away from laxatives! They should only
be used in emergencies. As a teen my cousin was trying to lose weight for the Army and
was using them. Me thinking, cool an easy out, I started taking them. I lost weight, then
as soon as I stopped taking them, gained it back.

That wasn't the worst part. After stopping the use, I had to be put on Colace
(a stool softener) for YEARS just to go, and my dumping system has never
been the same since! So, if you are not regular in that department, here's a few
natural ideas, to help keep pace!

*coffee, my favorite

*lots of fiber, I sometimes use fiber gummies, they are high in carbs so I take them during
 RM's. There is also fiber pills, but I hate pills! (personal weirdness)

*water, water, WATER!

*Detox tea. It's great every once in a while, but if you take it everyday your body becomes
  used to it, and you stop seeing the motion. You can buy this at Vitamin Shoppe for about

Exercise has not been on the menu for the past couple days. That is not the best, but it's
a school day, that means a walk to the school bus and back. Hopefully that will get my
blood pumping and I'll want to hit the court with Jude.

I stayed in bed a little longer, because Jude woke up and I wanted him to go back to
sleep, before getting out of bed. I'd rather be up by 4:30, but it was almost 6 this
morning and my "me time" has been cut! Bah!

Hope you all have an awesome day today!



Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs

Complimentary meal
Approx 5 oz hamburger
2 slices bacon
1 slice 1% American cheese
1 can no salt green beans

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, beets, fried onions-ranch
1 cup House Mei Fun

1 gallon water, 3 cups green tea

I found this was a great balance last night. I was not hungry, but I wasn't uncomfortably
full. Though, I must say I was looking forward to a doughnut, and the hubby forgot to bring
one home!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Don't Go Hungry

                                      Weight: 305.9                    Total: 17.1

I'm seeing my meals get smaller and smaller, please know that I am only eating
what I am hungry for. The further I get into this way of eating, the less hungry I am.
DON'T GO HUNGRY!! I'm not, I didn't, and you shouldn't nor do you need to!

Eat as much as you need to get you through to the next meal, because there is NO
snacking, unless you are trying to maintain! If you need 3 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon,
and a salad or something else for your CM's do it! After a while you'll find that it's
less and less, at least that's what I'm experiencing!

Now, if I had some hamburger defrosted, I probably would have made a cheeseburger
(ha ha)! I really just wanted the prosciutto and provolone, and I was completely satisfied,
until about 5 hours later when it was time for dinner.

Everyone had Rally's last night. It was my first trip through a drive-thru window since I
started, and if I have my way it'll be my last. At first, I was going to pick something, and
then after feeling overwhelmed by the smell I couldn't get away fast enough. I did not like
the smell anymore even though I was hungry, and as I was driving home envisioned
myself throwing the crap out of the window.

As I logged my food in last night, I was so surprised that I had only consumed 1,099
calories come the end of the day. I felt like I pigged out! I really felt like I gorged myself
at dinner. Again, I am beside myself. This is a person who couldn't follow a 1800 calorie a
day diet...EVER!

Today, I will have to eat some breakfast, to try and raise my intake. I don't want my body
thinking it's in famine, and go into starvation mode. It does feel good to lose weight though!

Not even twenty pounds down and I am seeing awesome things. As I was cleaning and
walking down the hall, I noticed that the hall seemed wider. I was tidying up the kitchen
and was surprised at how fast I was doing it. I bounced up the stairs. I notice a slight
swing to my hips as I walked instead of a forced limp, because of back pain.

I won't know the full effect on my life until I get there, but I am coming Life, brace for impact!


Complimentary Meal
1 stalk celery with cream cheese
1 piece of prosciutto cut into 3 pieces
3 slices of smoked provolone rolled with the prosciutto

Reward Meal
2 Tyson panko chicken tenders
Spinach salad with cucumber, tomato, fried onion, beets-ranch
3 Rally fries...they weren't as good as I thought they'd be
2 bites of a Rally burger...was as good as I thought it'd be
1 small sweet potato with butter and skin

1 1/2 gallons water and 3 cups of coffee

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Learning As I Go

Weight: 305.9                              Total: -17.1

Waking up today, I feel weird. I'm super jittery, almost like I had a breathing treatment or something.
I'm thinking I might need to take one of my chill pills, for anxiety. I haven't had to take on in over 6 months. I hate taking pills of any kind.

I walk around in pain because I refuse to take the pills my doctor's give me unless it's just too unbearable. I don't like the feeling. I was a drug addict (20 years ago), that was healed by G'd himself. After that, I have no desire to be anything but clear minded.

Man did I eat too much for my lunch yesterday! I was still way within my limits, but oh I was way too full! I have a very bad habit of being frugal and not wanting food to go to waste, almost to a fault.

The bacon basket: I wrap a slice of bacon around and down into a muffin pan. Bake for 10 minutes at 350, then pull them out and crack an egg in each. Put them back in for another 10, sprinkle with pepper and serve. SO good! You can do this with ham, Canadian bacon, or turkey.

I had made the kids breakfast and there were some bacon baskets left. I should have just ate one or two, but I ate the last three. Ugh, my stomach felt so full it nearly hurt! Lesson learned. It put a crunch on my reward meal also, I had to be creative in how to have a very low sodium meal! It wasn't as bad as I had thought, I only went over little more than 400 grams, so it's nothing that can't be undone. I just need to pre-plan and make better choices.

Waking up with a smaller number, just rocks!!! Nothing yesterday, double today! I also have less than 16 pounds before my first goal is achieved and I will weigh what I did when I met my hubby! There's only 26 pounds left until I attempt to quit smoking, 6 pounds to go before revealing this blog to my friends, and my ultimate goal is still very possibly in sight to be half of me by June 12th, 2014!

Complimentary Meal
2 Bacon Baskets

Complimentary Meal
3 Bacon Baskets

Reward Meal
1 can no salt green beans
2 yeast rolls with unsalted butter
1 piece Pumpkin Spice cake with cream cheese icing

***Please don't refer to these meal as a typical meal. I feel I need to be honest about what I've consumed, but this is not a good example of how we should eat! Being healthy is the most important way to lose weight! Please go to my other meals, they give a better picture.****

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fatty On The Court

Weight: 307                            Total:-16 lbs

I've lost so much in the past week, I should not mind that my weight held the same. Guess I'm a
little over ambitious? I know that other things are going on, and that muscle weighs more than fat.
I have the exercised soreness all over my body from 2 days on the basketball court shooting hoops.

I am just shooting hoops a little above "leisure", and kicking the soccer ball around to and from
the park. I could not believe the workout this is giving me, so I looked it up. The benefits of
basketball are ridiculous. As long as I keep challenging myself out there, I get a near total workout!

                                                 (Jude wants a basket so bad!)

I also used the swings to do a little lifting. I would lean all the way back and pull my self up with my arms and tummy. I did about 3 reps of five doing this, and I can feel it in my biceps. Remember, I have to stay low impact, not to damage my back more than it is. I refuse to sit here and become a mushy lump of skin though!

Yesterday I began reading this thread by successful losers and what they have experienced since they have achieved their goal weight. It was so intriguing that I couldn't stop reading until the end of the post, and it was LONG!

I would read a couple pages get up and do something, come back and read a few more. It was almost an all day process. Usually, I just skim the threads, looking for success pics, I don't actually read them.
What I concluded is I am about to experience a whole different life.

There is a mountain of things that I am going to have to get used to, and not everything is going to be "hunky dory." Here's some of the pro's and con's I read from people that have lost 50-300 pounds:

*Summer heat is not just bearable, it's enjoyable
*Shoe size gets smaller
*increased libido and sex is better
*(for men) about every 30 lbs lost you gain 1/2 inch to your joystick
*increased attention from the opposite sex (one guy even said his wife treats him better)
*people are nicer to you, talk to you more, you become visible
*you become an inspiration to friends and family
*you like having your picture taken again
*shopping becomes fun, for most
*sleep better
*more energy
*less ailments (getting off medication, CPAP, inhalers, etc.)
*cat calls (everyone seems to enjoy them)
*more comfortable in movie, airplane seats
*new found confidence
*losing weight spills into other parts of life, like cleanliness, organization, and other self
  improvement areas

*cold all the time from fall to spring
*extra saggy skin
*increased unwanted attention from creeps
*you realize just how invisible you were, and how much people judged you
*too often you lose your heavier friends or friends that don't exercise
*you get comments like "you're small enough, you don't eat enough, are you sick?"  
*some find it hard to find clothes that fit them correctly, and they lose their old sense of style
*an overwhelming sense of powerlessness and not being able to protect yourself
*people tend to feel like others are invading their personal space, part of the phantom fat syndrome  
*lost cushion in the rump tends to make finding a comfortable sitting position harder

Every single one said they would easily take the good with the bad. Also, that over all, their life was
so much more fulfilling. They even remark about how people constantly ask them "How did you do
it?" Some of their replies had become sarcastic, because no one wants to hear, "eating healthy and lots of exercise!"  Stating that their eyes tend to glaze over, they just tune out, or change the subject!

I can totally relate. I remember saying "Bloody Hell, I can't get off the couch much less do 5 minutes of aerobics!" I was miserable up until about a month ago. It wasn't just a move your ass thing. I literally felt glued to the sofa. I was fatigue all the time, and there seemed no end in sight.

Then the wonderful book arrived, explaining to me why I felt this way.  I wasn't just lazy with no will power, there was a metabolic and biological reason. I saw hope like a ray of light, and I have to say that I feel totally different already.

By finding this way of eating, and recognizing the problem I was able to release a lot of guilt I had placed upon myself for not being able to follow a caloric diet, and achieve something I so dearly wanted. I felt like a real loser.

Last night I even got straight up from the table and washed the dishes. I can't remember the last time I did that. It was just another victory moment. Am I where I want to be? Oh heck no! I am on the path I want to be on though. I will get there eventually.

My father-in-law says I am a completely different person from when he left and came back (about 3 weeks time). When he left the first time I was just beginning. He noticed that I had more energy, but probably figured I would go off the diet, or it was just a good couple of days.

When he returned he saw more than just that little improvement, and kept remarking about how I seemed more awake and more attentive. That the weight loss was indeed visible. He'll be back in 3
weeks and I can't wait. I love getting compliments from someone who has a handful of degrees and doctorates! Vain? Maybe, just a little.

My daughter, China said that she's even been talking about me in school and when out with friends. She's so happy to see the difference. Every morning being up to talk to her before she goes to school, seeing me stick to something, and knowing the numbers are going down has given her some sense of pride in me.

Oh how I would have loved to see that number go down again today. I need to change my focus. I think it is changing, it just may take a while. Maybe when I start seeing the pants sizes go down, it'll make relying on the scale much less important.

HUGGZZ to you all. Have a wonderful day!
Complimentary Meal
2 cups sauteed cabbage and ground beef- sesame oil
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, beets, fried onions-ranch
1 1/2 cups spaghetti sauce with ground beef and parmesian, no noodles
2 yeast rolls with butter
1 cup 1% milk

about 5 liters of water and 3 cups coffee


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Velocity Plus What?!

Weight: 307 lbs              Total: -16  lbs

My fingers are a little swollen today. I know I went a bit over my sodium again, but just a little this time. It was them damn Jimmy Dean maple sausages I had for lunch, but they are so GOOD! Next time I'll just have one instead of the serving size of 3.

My main goal when eating now is to take it slow. I'm usually fine during my complimentary meals, but during my reward meals I know I am on a time limit. Even though 60 minutes is plenty of time to eat, I find myself scarfing the food down almost panicked.  

It takes about seven minutes for your body to send out the first shot of insulin. It's about that time that I start feeling full. If I slow down and enjoy my food, I am sure to eat less in the long run. Plus, I find myself obscenely burping all the time. 

I've been a fast eater for a long time, barely chewing or tasting my food. My father was in the Navy when I was growing up. I only lived with him for about six months out of my whole life. When I returned to my mother she noticed that I had started shoveling my food in, not something I had ever done before. Think it probably had something to do with him threatening to leave me at restaurants, and making me leave most of my food on my plate because he was done so now everyone was done? Probably.

Yesterday, I took a short walk with Jude to the park and we took the basketball and the soccer ball. I kicked the soccer ball around all the way there the shot some hoops for about 10 minutes. On the way home I kicked the ball also. Almost to the house, I went to catch the ball, miscalculated and 
bailed right into the grass onto my hands and knee. 

The rest of the day, I was in a good amount of pain. I was so irritated, probably more at myself for being out of shape and uncoordinated, but I seriously felt like I couldn't do anything anymore without getting hurt. What's the velocity of 307 pounds traveling at about 45 miles an hour towards the 
ground? What is the impact rate? 

My knee feels a lot better today, whatever it is. Hopefully it will not stop me from being productive! I want to have all my ducks in order, so we can go to the park this evening after school. The kids have finally resigned themselves that we are sticking to our stricter video game rules and outdoor play is a must before achieving free time. There is a lot less resistance to do other things now, like the park.

My hubby and I are doing a timeline picture project. At the end of my weighing week (Wednesday's)
we are taking a picture of me, so at the end we'll have a full progress blog! I think it is a cool idea. One that will keep me motivated, and remind me how long it took to get back to where I should have been all these years.

Inevitably, there is going to be some hard work getting this mess into shape! My mind is ready for it, but seeing as my body can't or won't comply with certain orders I give it, it might take a while. I need to stick with the Pilates and stretching and just some extra activity! It's hard, because I find it so boring! I want to be out there giving it my all! I have never been able to run, and because of my back, I may never be able to run. I want to run!

I want to feel that euphoric high that every runner talks about. I remember the feeling quite well from doing cool new tricks on my skateboard, or taking my bike through a trail of hills perfect for BMX style biking. I will probably never get back on to a skateboard. If I do, it'll probably have to be a long board. Probably won't ever have the capacity to jump with a dirt bike ever again either. This girl needs a new passion.

I am sorry for being a little slack about logging my food here at night. I'm finding it harder and harder everyday, seeing as I'm less and less on the computer. I've all but given up with my games on Facebook, they just can't hold my attention anymore. 

Since my evenings are busier, I think it would be best that everyday I post the previous day's consumption. 

Hope you have an awesome day people. Thanks for stopping by and all your +1's! It makes me feel like there is someone out there cheering me on!

(Apologies for the way my paragraphs look so cut up sometimes. Truthfully, I don't write like that! I have tried several different ways to correct it, even following a smaller margin, nothing seems to help!)

Complimentary Meal
1 fried egg with cheddar
1 stalk of celery with cream cheese
1 1/2 cups of sauteed cabbage
3 Jimmy Dean Maple sausage links

Reward meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, black olives, fried onions, beets, croutons, cheddar-ranch
1 1/2 cups spaghetti with multigrain pasta
1 piece garlic bread
1 nice sized piece of my Pumpkin Spice cake with cream cheese icing
(throughout the day I drank about 1 1/2 gallons of water and 3 cups black coffee)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I'm Such A Loser, And I Love It!

Weight : 307.2                  Total: -15.8               Average for the week: -4.1

Wow! What a great finish to a week! I am beside myself. I don't know what to think. I am on a roll and I don't want to stop. My stats for the month are unbelievable! In 4 weeks I have lost 15.8 pounds, and I ate cake!

I was a little concerned about my nutrients, so I went to myfitnesspal, where I have been logging all my food. There was very little deficiency at all, and I know that the little I'm not getting, my multivitamin will cover.

I love that I feel in control of my choices, and that there is not some biological need or desire for the
wrong ones. Last night while my kids were hitting fresh pizza, I was savoring every bite of my
sauteed cabbage in sesame oil. I could have had a piece if I wanted, but even though in my mind I thought oh, yummy, cheesy, hot body said not interested!

People, there is a difference in what you're mind tells you and what your body tells you. When you're mind is telling you something you have a choice. When your body tells you something, you still have a choice but it's harder to make the right one. If you neglect to satisfy it you find yourself feeling deprived (sometimes for days after).

I do not feel deprived, AT ALL! I made this incredible cake yesterday. The best I've ever made! I still had a piece after dinner. It was AMAZING! Bobby told his father that he only wanted a small piece and I told him that it tastes better than it looks...he asked for another piece!!

I wish I was a bit more artistic, even icing a cake is difficult for me! It definitely did taste better than it looked!

The Next Endeavor
My father-in-law and I set a goal weight for me to quit smoking (280 lbs). I'm very nervous about it, but hopefully I am a lot more mobile by then, and can walk off any nervous energy. If the weight keeps dropping like this I will be quitting before Christmas!

Speaking of Christmas, it's rolling up fast and I still haven't heard from Walmart. I really hope they didn't try to call while my phone was cut off! The lady said one to two weeks. Yesterday was a week.
They probably didn't, but the thought is still nagging me.

Well folks, I gotta git! Only 15 minutes before I start waking the masses for school, and I need to try and proof read before posting!

May the wind be at your back, and the sun shine on your face!
                                      (my one-a-day for 9/25/13: Fall is coming!!)



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Drop It Like It's Hot!

Weight: 308.4                 Total: -14.6 lbs (less than 4 weeks)

Today's goal: Stay away from sodium!!!

My 3 year old must have thought I was crazy yesterday. Sometime in the mid-afternoon, I realized
that my rings were super loose again. Then when I finally put my jeans on to run to the store, they
felt especially loose also.

About an hour later, I was digging through the winter clothes in my closet, to get to my 22's. Clothes were flying everywhere! Unfortunately, I'm not there yet, and I was a little bummed. Now, waking up to that change on the scale, it can only be called magnificent! In just a few short weeks those 22's will fit me like they were made for me.

As of yet, my blog is pretty much a secret, to everyone I know. Most of my friends are on Facebook.
I do mean friends also. I know most of the people personally, except for a few that I have for gaming purposes. I am trying to keep this little secret until I hit the 200's which is only eight more pounds away!

There is a reason that I have done it this way. I wanted to make sure it worked, before totally falling in front the nay-sayers. I used to blog some years ago and all my friends were very supportive. I started endorsing products, and was very careful, to only endorse quality regardless of the money. I still feel the same way. Only I am getting paid by pounds this time! This is my own endeavor, and personally
I feel there is a lot more to lose!

I know that my compadres will be happy that I am blogging again. I'm just keeping it as a bit of an unveiling.

I am feeling so much better today. Shortly after waking up yesterday, my head started hurting and felt if I had just finished a rocky boat ride. My stomach felt so swampy. So far today, that's gone, and just a bit of a runny nose has greeted me. Hopefully, that's all it'll do and I can have a full productive day.

I hope your day is as awesome as mine has started!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Weighing In On A New Scale

Weight 311.1                              Total: -11.9

Dad took me to buy a new scale last night. I have come to the conclusion, that it is really our floors making the scales read different. I finally got a steady weight on the porch. Not sure what I'm going to do on rainy or snowy days, but to know I've really lost over 12 pounds is nice (can't weigh naked on the porch, well I could, but might give the neighbors post traumatic stress disorder)!

My new scale doesn't just give me a weight, it gives a BMI, and hydration levels. It also has a memory for up to four different profiles. Now if I can just figure out how to get the damn thing programmed!
So far the book has held up to it's end of the deal. If I eat one or two low carb meals then have my reward meal within 60 minutes, I lose 1% of my body weight. It is agonizing sometimes. I want to see results now! More than just the number on the scale, but actually in my clothes.

Well, actually I have. Yesterday when in a hurry to go to the bathroom, because drinking over a gallon of water apparently turns you into a sprinter, I pulled my jeans down without unbuttoning them. Then
I pulled them back up the same way. I guess it is changing...

The last 2 days I've been slack on my one-a-days with my friend, think he has too! It really is hard to keep up with! Going to make it a point to get out there today and get it done!

Hopefully getting my card unlocked this morning, and paying my phone doesn't prove to be hectic! I
also really hope Walmart hasn't tried to call. I am more than motivated to start.

I also got some other possible good news. The porter that Rob's restaurant had decided to go with was a no call, no show yesterday. I plan to go up there this afternoon and put in an application. I know Walmart is going to keep me part time for at least 6 months, and the porter job is only three to four hours a day. Between the two I will come close to a 40 hour work week, and that sounds great to me!

Have an awesome day guys! I only have a few minutes before I have to get the kids up and going!

Complimentary Meal
baked chicken
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Reward meal
Spinach salad with tomato, beets, black olives, french's fried onion, croutons-ranch
1/2 cup creamy chicken and dumplings
1 cup of milk
1 pack of nutter bites to go
1 pack of chips ahoy minis to go

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Thief Among Us

My day yesterday was consumed with detective work. I went to pay my phone bill online, and it declined my card. I was puzzled, seeing as I knew I had plenty there to pay my phone, I went straight to my bank website.

In my pending transactions, there were multiple charges for xbox live. What the hell?! So I go to my xbox live account which was not as easy as it would seem. I hadn't been there in so long I couldn't remember my email info associated with the account.

After about 30 minutes of trying to figure it out, I remembered it was displayed on the home screen of my profile. I finally made it through a maze of links to get to my recent charges and find 10 purchases made by my step daughter for crappy Mindcraft skins and add-ons.

She goes to her mother's on the weekends, so I went over there, and retrieved her console. Grounding her indefinitely. What pissed me off the most is her mother, could not even come out of her bedroom to validate that she would be taken care of, to apologize for her daughters actions, or anything. What a loser!

What kind of mother does that? I would be mortified if one of mine had done that to anyone! I would bend over backwards apologizing and even if I didn't have the money right then, offer some compensation!

It was only $20 worth, not lessening the crime, but the bank had locked my card! Now I have no phone until I can get the bank to unlock it tomorrow. Hopefully Walmart does not call before
then. Don't get me wrong, I am glad they locked my card, who knows how much more damage
she would have done.

Oh well, yesterday is gone, and today is a new day!

Last night my hubby made his Chicken Roulade with the sherry sauce, oh my heaven, better than sex! It is the most delicious dish ever! And when I logged my food in I was pleasantly surprised at how low in calorie and carbs it really is!

I hope all of those who read this has a most wonderful, uncomplicated, enjoyable day!

Complimentary Meal
Chicken roulade without sauce

Reward meal
Spinach salad with cucumbers, tomato, beets, black olives, croutons, cheddar, french's fried onions-ranch
Chicken roulade with sauce
Roasted potatoes

Yes, while everyone had chili dogs and tater tots, I opted for left overs! The roulade is my favorite meal, and I know it'll probably be a while before having it again!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Another Day, Another Pound

Another day, another pound? Well, hopefully! Seeing as I can't weigh and be for certain we won't know until later. Dad said that he is going to buy me an new analog scale that I can calibrate if I have any questions to the accuracy. Yea Dad!

I downloaded a pedometer app to my phone last night, to track my steps everyday. I may just need to buy one, but we'll see how it works.

I have lots of cleaning in store for the kids today. They are going to be so happy about that! Then I think we are going to head down to the beach or to Mount Trashmore. They have a flight of steps that I've been wanting to conquer for the first time.

I didn't do a one-a-day for yesterday, before I knew it, it was dark. I did carry the camera around for most of the day, but just couldn't find inspiration.

My fingers are swollen again. Probably the sodium. I'm having to wear my wedding rings on my thumb. I keep falling back into the same trap. I have to be doing something better though, because many times during the week I will take a bite of something and not go back to it because it tastes
too salty.

I am not really shaking the shaker onto anything anymore, where I used to shake it onto
everything. Even last night at Ruby Tuesday's I declined the french fries and chose the spaghetti squash (which by the way was very bland and had a weird texture, so I didn't have but 2 bites).
The croutons that I loved so much, now taste like blocks of salt also.

Well sorry this blog was so bland today. Just letting you know I'm still keeping on with the program, and that I'm still here!

Have an awesome day people!

Friday, September 20, 2013

No Time For "No Tolerance"

                                      (My one-a-day for 9/19/13 My boys off to school)

I went to the clinic to have my drug screen for Walmart. There I got good and bad news.

The Bad News. My scale is a liar. (ha thought I failed! Not a chance!)

The Good News. I actually weigh less than it says. Not by much, but by a few pounds at least!

In light of that I will not be posting my weight until we have a better scale. I will continue to
post my meals for you, just in case you are without a book and want to try this diet yourself.
Hopefully it won't be long before I've acquired a new one.

No Time For "No Tolerance"
Most of my day yesterday, I was at my boys' school, trying to bring attention to these neighborhood, wanna be gangster mutts. I was hotter than a fire cracker. It took all I had in me not to snatch one of those boys up!

These parents that take their job so lightly will be singing the woes of their kids being in jail or worse, in just a few years. They have definitely given me inspiration to find ways to prevent bullying. The schools have these "supposed" no tolerance rules, that must be missed placed because unless you are standing in their face and demand an outcome, it will be brushed off.

These boys weren't just cussing at my kids and threatening them, they were cussing at me and threatening me. Then they proceeded to cuss at the school bus driver, whom said she was "going to pretend she didn't hear that." What?! The driver held her hand up to me and said, "I got this."

Uh, obviously you don't "have this!" For one she should have held the kids on the bus until transportation was called and mediation arrived. Or called the police when she saw the group of kids follow mine towards our house! And you're going to "pretend" you didn't hear it?

All I have to say is if one of those kids touch one of mine, it'll be a sad, sad day for them!

Hopefully, today will be an easier one. Even though I enjoyed my meal last night, I think I'm going to try to stay away from meals like that in the future. I feel a bit groggy today, it may be my cycle or the carbohydrate ans sodium rich foods we had.

Cheers to a new day!

Complimentary Meal
spinach salad with tomato, cucumber, cheddar-ranch
7 hot wings-ranch

Reward Meal
Ruby Tuesdays
1 pretzel burger (1/2 with bun 1/2 without bun)
1 plate salad bar
2/3 double chocolate cake with 1 scoop ice cream

I do realize my reward meals are a bit much lately!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mind Over Matter

Weight: 314.8        Average for week: -2.2

Yesterday was the first time in three weeks that I have felt deprived. At lunchtime I went ahead and made my lunch, while Robert went to Rally's for Jude and his food. Sitting in the same room with people munching on seasoned french fries, dipping them in ketchup really bothered me.

Only for a millisecond did I think about giving in. I was able to put off the urge by saying I would make some homemade fries for dinner, which by then I didn't even want them!  It may be the fact that I had already decided to only have a small lunch and dinner, avoiding breakfast except for some black coffee and water. Who knows? Who cares? I won.

I enjoyed my reward meal to the fullest! I didn't get hungry later either, so this diet HAS to be doing something! I can't remember ever eating pancakes and not being hungry later, or feeling like I wanted to take a nap!

Every morning I browse the internet for before and after pictures of extreme weight loss successes. This is my motivation. If you find it hard to keep your mind on course, I suggest it highly! At first I spent a ton of time going through them, but everyday I find I need it less and less! Also find yourself a hero! Someone who has already done it and is maintaining! I have about 5 or 6 of them on

On to even better news. It looks like I have the job at Walmart! I go today for a drug test, and as soon as they get my back ground check in, they said they will call me for orientation. Whoot whoot!! THIS is the best news I have heard in a long time!

Here is my one-a-day for yesterday. My yard and my Ham Bone!

I hope your day is absolutely wonderful and inspiring!


Complimentary Meal
Wendy's double stack without bun
Side salad-ranch (picked out the carrots)

Reward Meal
3 hot wings-ranch
1 moderate slice of Stromboli
1 piece Sicilian pizza
2 stalks celery-ranch
Approx 15 cheesy bacon fries (probably less)
Dad is back in town, so the first night is always a celebration!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Weight 316

Ugh, I don't even want to talk about weight today. It's probably not as bad as is seems. Rob hugged me from behind yesterday and noticed that the buckle on the back of my pants need to be tightened. He was genuinely happy for me to see that it had to be moved a good 2 inches to tighten it.

I think I really need to measure myself, for times like this.

Tonight, I have a job interview. I am so so happy about that, more than anything! I went back to Walmart yesterday, and explained to an associate that I was supposed to be called for an interview last week, and feared that my number was lost in the masses.

She promptly took me to the back and as I waited for her by the back door another associate came out and asked if I needed help. This girl wanted to get my number and send me away again. I was reluctant to leave, so I asked her if she was sent to me. She said no, so I wrote my name slowly on the piece of cardboard she had given me giving the other girl enough time to make it back. It worked!

The original lady led me through the back to the hiring managers, they printed up my application and asked me to come back tonight at 9 pm for an interview. Oh, pray, pray, pray for me please. I'm feeling so much hope, that we will once again be out of this rut and Christmas will be bright! This job means no more putting off this bill to pay another.

I am just not the same when I'm not financially contributing. There is some emotional gratification of receiving a paycheck at the end of the week, and with 7 kids, we need that paycheck!

Yesterday, my friend and I started doing one-a-day photos. Here is my first submission.

Of course this guy would show up while I only had my phone! Never the less, he was waiting patiently on my van when I came out of the store yesterday. I am taking him as a good sign! He really was pretty.

Have a great day guys!


Complimentary Meal
1 bratwurst with mustard
1 can spinach

Reward Meal
4 small pancakes-syrup
1 cup corn beef hash
4 bacon
2 scrambled eggs

(Usually after a meal like this I am hungry about an hour or two after, we'll see what happens)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Boys Stay Out! This Is A Girls Day!

Weight 314.8                Total?

I posted my weight, but I'm not posting a total today. I knew this week I would see a gain, just because I am a woman. I'm not upset, because I know that I've lost 10 pounds of fat regardless of what the scale says for the next few days.

I've even thought about not weighing through it, but it's kinda nice to know how much water weight to expect. You know how much I love seeing the numbers go down. I guess, it is what it is!

 Knowledge Is Power

For those of you that suffer from extremely hard cycles and cramps, I wanted to leave a couple tips I have found very useful.  I have suffered with endometriosis for most of my life. Each pregnancy reversing it, or making it worse! If you don't know what that is, let me explain what it feels like.
Every month for 1-3 days you feel as though you are having a baby, without the wonderful ending.

*My favorite so far is the water bottle! Use an old plastic bottle filled with hot water and rotate from your lower back to you abdomen about every 10-20 minutes. I also have a water bag, it's more pliable, and can be bought at Walmart for about $5

*DO NOT use heating pads! Dry heat is not good for your body. The electricity will sap your energy. Hot water is more effective.

*Drink lots of water! In the past 4-5 months I have upped my water intake. I have always had dreadful heavy and crampy periods. I have notice lately with the water increase that I have little to no cramps, and my cycle is so much lighter.

*Ibuprofen for pain. I can not take this, because of having ulcers many years ago. My doctor prescribes me a non narcotic pain killer with muscle relaxers (which is also for my back). If ibuprofen is not cutting it for you, there are other alternatives, and if your doctor says no...get another doctor!

My daughter, China, is telling me to include pickle juice. She swears by it. The only negative I could think about trying it would be the sodium, which my cause water retention.

I hope you've found this blog informative today! May the wind be at your back and the sun shine upon your face!


Complimentary Meal
Scrambled eggs with spinach, bacon, and cheddar

Complimentary Meal
Spinach salad with cucumber, tomato, cheddar-ranch
Bratwurst with mustard

Reward Meal
1 1/2 cups of Chele's Super Mac (kielbasa chunks and broccoli in mac and cheese)
Spinach salad with cucumber, tomato, cheddar, croutons, green olives, beets-ranch
Key-lime pie with cool whip
2 whole wheat rolls with butter

Monday, September 16, 2013

Double Digits

Weight 313                  Total: 10

I finally did it! My weight loss is in the double digits! I have not fallen from this diet once in the 18-19 days I have been on it. It is the EASIEST, most satisfying way of eating I have ever attempted!

I am sure that I will have my ups and downs. I know this coming week I am due for a gain, but I will keep my eye on the ball. To celebrate I will post a picture of Jude, my last baby who weighed 9.6 pounds at birth, to signify the weight that is gone, gone, GONE!
The nurses at the hospital gave him that mohawk, and named him "Baby Sumo." It seems like a dream. Now Jude is 3, walking, talking, potty trained, and probably my best mate!

Every time he goes potty, he runs to tell me, then asks "Does that make you happy, Mom? Does that make you really, REALLY happy?"

I didn't end up going for a walk yesterday. I wanted to, but around 9 am, I started feeling a bit ill. My stomach was cramping, and several trips to the bathroom. I didn't want to get caught too far from home, so yesterday was an off day from exercise. I also had a few dizzy spells, which is not uncommon for me. I tend to have very low blood pressure.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Sukkot is drawing near. Happy Birthday Y'shua!


Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Complimentary Meal
1 can spinach
1/2 kosher dill spear
1 hamburger patty with cheese (3-4oz)

Reward Meal (oh my, was it a reward! I stayed well under my sodium limit AND less than 1700 cal.)
1 cup green beans
1/4 cup carrots
1/4 homemade cheesy mac
1 1/2 bbq chicken (leg quarters)
1 cup mashed potatoes
Piece of Key Lime Pie

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Slow and Steady

Weight: 314       Total: -9

Good morning!

I am trying to be positive today. The weight is coming off so slowly, it's damn near driving me crazy. I know that in the next week I'll be starting my cycle and I will see a rise in the scale soon. I would love to see it drop considerably though!

The weight loss has been consistent for the past few days, 4 ounces at a time. Weighing is becoming more and more frustrating. It is important to success though. Taking an average at the end of the week, helps on the bad days.

Yesterday, I played a whole 15-20 minutes of basketball with the boys! It might not sound like much, but it felt like a lot to me. Jericho and I were skunked by James and Bobby (8-1). I also got way to personal with the court (fell). Next time I want more!

After our short game we cooled down by throwing the football around. I think if the sun had been a little lower, it may have lasted longer. Even though it was only 79 degrees out there, it felt like we were roasting.

Today, I think I will try to hump that 1.5 mile trail again. I am so sore, and my feet are killing me, but I want more. I don't want to stop!

I know that we go through things for a reason. I'm trying to keep my head up and eyes on the goal. Slow and steady wins the race, right?! I really hope so!



Complimentary Meals
2 fried eggs with bacon pieces and slice of american cheese
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Complimentary Meals
1 lb crab legs (didn't realize the sodium count...Duh!)
spinach salad, tomato, cucumber, black olives, cheddar, sunflower seeds- ranch

Reward Meal
1 1/2 BBQ chicken leg quarters
1 1/2 cups steamed broccoli
1 cup peach yogurt
1 1/2 cups mashed potatoes
1/2 snickers bar

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Weight: 314.4       Total: 8.6

Last night I went out with the kids to the local park. For the first hour we semi-played baseball. There wasn't enough big kids, to play a full game. Maybe in a few more years! It was still fun, but when I ran the bases I was so happy it was only us out there. My fat clapped as I chugged it out!

Wow! This is the girl that rode BMX style everywhere, loved skateboarding, rollerblading, horseback riding, and was up for a game of football with the guys at any time. I hang my head down in the reality of what I have become. I don't want to be this anymore!

I have to decided to make this a ritual event. As the temperatures lower, and fall is upon us, this is a new resolution. To me and to my family. I will not be stagnate any longer. I will do whatever I need to become what I need to be.

For the last hour I kicked the soccer ball around with Jude, while Rob flew his helicopter. Who by the way was talking pretzel burgers again! UGH! I NEED SUPPORT! Not a freaking hot tasty mess of unhealthy crap!

I am paying for running around the field. A little in my back, but a lot in my heels. I can barely walk.
Hopefully, it will be gone soon, Jude is looking forward to kicking the ball around again today, and it is supposed to be a mild 72 degrees.

I'm really considering throwing out the scale. It's going so slow. I am so ready to see my loss in double digits (10 lbs)! I'm trying to keep it in perspective, but it is HARD!

From my food tracking I can see why this diet works. It's actually a caloric diet. If I eat lower carbohydrates through the day, it keeps me from snacking on a the bad stuff, then even if I eat my full at reward meals, my calories only reach but so far. Most days I am only eating 1200 calories a day, and still going to bed full! Maybe it's just a theory.

Hope your day is wonderful!


Join my community on Google. Complete non biased support for your weight loss journey, recipes, and cheering section!Michele's Carbohydrate Addict's Community

Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1/2 cup cottage cheese

Complimentary Meal
1/2 cucumber sliced
1 can tuna with mayo, kosher dill pickles chopped, Mrs.Dash
1 slice american cheese

Reward Meal
1 burger patty with cheese (approx 2-3 oz)
1 stalk celery with cream cheese
1 cup peach yogurt
1 can green beans

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sabotage IS NOT An Excuse!

Weight 314.8           Total 8.2

I know that if I were eating more salad, I would probably be losing more. Filling up on the good stuff and left less room for the other.  Money has been tight, and last night Rob (my husband) offered to get us a pretzel burger for my reward meal. I declined, saying I'd rather spend the money getting some veggies for me.

I ended up eating with the kids, and he went out and got a pretzel burger. I feel a little abandoned by that. He is not happy when I have no energy to do shit, but overlooks the needs I have to have energy.

I am constantly feeling sad and displaced by my weight, and investing in my change is not worth it to him. I could have a $7 pretzel burger, but I can't have the $7 to buy raw spinach and celery? Is he trying to sabotage me? Does he feel like if I get to a more confident state that I'll leave him? I have no idea, what is driving him.

This is important to me. I need to be an effective wife and mother. I need to lose a little more than half of me, to extend my life so that I can see my children graduate, get married, have children and be their "Mamaw."

I need to not be in pain everyday, so when the kids get home from school we can jump in the car and go to the park, or go to the beach. So that when I die my kids will not just remember me sitting on the couch, but actually doing something to extend my life.

I do not want my kids to have the same quality of life that mine has become! I will NOT let anyone sabotage my efforts!

I WILL find a job, I will take care of my own needs. Let him ask me for a pretzel burger, and I will tell him that I will buy US some spinach and celery...but I'm not buying HIM a burger! I don't care if I have to eat eggs and green beans for a month until then!

To make this clear he did not SAY that he would not give me the money nor buy the things. This is how I FEEL, because the money wasn't handed to me and the things were not bought. I am going to have to ASK him again, when I've been TELLING him for a few days, that I was out of some important items from my diet. I also specifically said what I would rather have instead of the high sodium- can't be good for me- grease sponge.

I am specifically speaking about hearing him say he supports me with everything, and trying to see how he supports me at anything!

Know this! NO ONE is going to stop me! I am going to fight this fat to the very end!


I am creating a Carbohydrate Addict support and fan page...All are welcome to join!
Michele's Carbohydrate Addicts Support and Fan Page
Complimentary Meal
3 hard boiled eggs
1/2 cup cottage cheese 1%

Complimentary Meal
2 servings of kielbasa (mustard to dip)
1 can spinach

Reward Meal
1 can green beans
1 serving kielbasa (mustard to dip)
1 cup yogurt
3 bites birthday cake ice cream (YUK)
1 poptart

2 cups coffee
4 1/2 liters water

10 minutes mild stretching
20 minutes Dance Central
2 hours at the park with kids

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Six In One Hand, Half A Dozen In The Other

Weight: 315          Total: 8

I had two choices last night, eat or sleep. I chose the latter. I had only eaten lunch, but by the time dinner was ready, I knew I was ready to go to bed. If I would've eaten, I would have needed to stay up for two or three hours. I knew I just wasn't up for that. So I weighed my options heavily, and decided to go to bed early.

Surprisingly, I wasn't very hungry anyways. If there are any nay-sayers, I seriously was not trying to deprive myself, I had actually been looking forward to eating dinner. I had picked up some really yummy looking brownies with cream cheese icing for desert! I WILL have them tonight! I am not in any way trying to starve myself, to only be unhealthy and gain it all back faster than I lost it!!

I thought it would be good, to note the changes. Even though it's only been 2 weeks I have noticed quite a few. First my upper belly fat seems to be reduced, possibly the bottom too. I've noticed a difference in my thighs. My bra is comfortable now, not pinching me.

 I sleep mostly through the night. Early to bed and early to rise. This has been the most amazing part! I have such a manic sleeping pattern, that I have never been able to adjust to a routine bedtime and wake time. Since I've started this eating plan it happened so naturally for me. Almost every night I go to bed between 8 and 11 pm and wake up between 4 and 6 am. I have always wanted to be a morning person, but never able to achieve it for more than a day or two.

I am not hungry all the time! Even if I wanted to snack, it is undesirable, because I don't crave any specific thing, and I stay full most of the day!

My plans for today is a short walk, some stretching, and I was thinking maybe going out back and playing kick ball with Jude. He has been so slighted with everyone being older and doing their own thing. He used to play with his cousin several times a week, but I guess his mum has found a new best friend, which is cool with me (way too much drama there for me), but has left my boy without a playmate!

I do have a nagging pinch between my shoulders. That might hinder my happiness today, it has to be how I slept last night.

Walmart has not called me back yet for an interview, BAH! If I haven't heard from them by the afternoon, I am going to go back up there and gently bother them again. I also might get to act as a porter at my husband's work. That would be super cool too!

Christmas is coming and our goose is very sickly!

Live today like it was your last!


Complimentary meal
2 eggs scrambled
1 sausage patty (which I think has me feelin' yucky!)

Complimentary Meal
1/2 large cucumber- ranch to dip
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 boiled egg
1 can spinach

Reward Meal
2 chicken tenders
1/4 cup baked beans
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 can green beans
6 tater tots
bbq sauce
2 brownies with cream cheese icing

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Under Water

Weight: 318.2        Average for the week: 3.3         Total: 5.9 (14 days)

There's been two days of gain now. Obviously they are due to my choices in food, mostly sodium. Tonight is supposed to be my real reward night. I'm not sure if I will have my piece of pie though.
Probably, because I am kind of looking forward to it, but I need to make better choices.

I am in no way giving up, I have still lost 6 pounds in two weeks, and that is almost exactly 1% of my body weight (the recommended amount).

There is no happy dance today. I was hoping to be at a 10 pound loss by now, but it is what it is, ho hum! Maybe as the day goes on I can focus on the achievement more than the set back!

On a brighter note, I am supposed to be getting called for an interview at Wally World! I'm actually quite excited about it. I even dreamed about it last night. They have insurance and profit sharing, employee discounts, and most importantly...PAY CHECKS!!

Here's to a bright day!


1 can of spinach
4-5 oz of pulled pork tossed in homemade wing sauce (think I'll call it Pig's Fly!!)

5 liters water
3 cups coffee

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

More Than A Grain Of Salt

Weight: 316 (yesterday I was 314)

I went WAY over my salt intake yesterday, and I am paying for it! My rings are too tight to wear and the scale went up 2 pounds. I also have not been to the bathroom for 2 days, despite the fiber gummies.

Between eating at my uncle's on Sunday (he loves to add salt), and the frozen burritos and mexican rice I had last night, I am not surprised. I knew there was going to be a problem last night when I logged my food into my Myfitnesspal before bed. I had gone over 1,471 in sodium.

So today, I'm focused on lower sodium, drinking LOTS of water, a few cups of coffee, and spinach for my lunch. Hopefully that will undo the damage!

I am okay with the weight gain right now, probably because I know what the problem is. Don't get me wrong I am not happy about it, but I can endure through it!

Today I am going out to speak to some managers about a job. I've put in several applications and I need to check up on them. I'm also going to hit some Chinese restaurants to see if I can get a gig until money starts flowing again. Wish me luck, please. We need a miracle!

I found a really cool idea on the internet last night, that I think might give my business the bump it needs to get going again. Finding the materials might be tricky. Once I've found a place that gets rid of this particular item, I should have a steady supply though.

Have an awesome day guys! I am going to try to do the same!


Complimentary Meal
1 1/2 cups sauteed cabbage
4 oz pulled pork in homemade wing sauce (YUM YUM)
32 oz cucumber water

Reward meal
Taco Bell-
3/4 Cantina Chicken burrito
Bean burrito
Chips (approx 10)
Medium root beer

Monday, September 9, 2013

Don't Let Me Down!

Weight: 314               Total: -9

So here it goes again, proving the Heller's theory on insulin and metabolic change when you eat the way they want you to. Low carb for your breakfast and lunch, then the 3rd meal is game on! My glutton mind was telling me last night to go for a third piece of chicken, but instead I just moved on to the banana pudding. I was full but not painfully stuffed, and I've lost another pound and a half.

I love that I can eat my favorite foods everyday, and still lose weight! I'm not really seeing, yet, why this plan is not more renowned. Maybe because some people think that just because you can eat anything and as much as you want, it needs to be a pig fest?

Or possibly just being able to adhere to a schedule. That is what I am seeing it as, "a schedule."
All things are good in time.

When I first started, I was eating more than my at the reward meals. Now I'm eating to sate, and even that sometimes is too much for me. I'm trying to find that perfect balance, because about an hour after I eat I feel too full.

Even if I stay up 3 hours after my dinner, I go to bed with a full belly.

Unfortunately with my size it'll take another 14-24 lbs before I start noticing a difference with my clothes and such, but my rings are slipping, I even had to move them to my thumb to sleep. After losing my grandmother's wedding rings, I am too afraid to take them completely off. It still saddens me quite often.

Since I AM losing more than suggested, I have a plan! I am going to try to maintain this rate of weight loss until I hit 299. Then I will go to plan A, which includes a small snack either at mid afternoon or late night. Since I'm going to bed full already it'll probably be the afternoon. At this rate I should be close to hitting that goal by the end of the month (fingers crossed)!

Plan A with the snack should slow my loss or maintain it. I want to maintain the 299 for a month to give my body time to adjust, then switch to plan B which is pretty much the same plan I'm on now!

It's a plan, if nothing else! Today I'm going to be enjoying a pork picnic that I cooked down yesterday!! YUM YUM

Time to get the kiddos up! Have an awesome day!!


Complimentary Meal
2 fried eggs with real bacon pieces and slice of borden cheese
1 stalk celery with cream cheese ( I still have not grown tired of this meal!!)

Complimentary Meal
5oz plain pulled pork (dipped it in a mixture of ranch and Texas Pete)
1 can green beans

Reward meal
2 beef and bean burritos (frozen)
3 slices cheese
sour cream (approx 4 tbsp)
1 cup Mexican rice with pulled pork
2 fiber gummies

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Unfreakin' Believable!!

Weight: 315.4    Total: -7.6

I am so stoked this morning!! I've had two babies that weighed less than what I've lost so far! I am almost what I weighed 2 months ago when I decided to go whole foods and started taking those "natural diet helpers!"

Plans today: stretching and Pilates for 20-30 minutes (for toning), maybe a short walk. Then it's cleaning my abomination of a house! Actually, it's not that bad, but could use a little attention. Then off to pick up some of my kids from their dad's and have a reward dinner with my uncle!

I can't wait for tonight, I just hope his fried chicken is not too salty. If it is I will have to take the breading off...oh and he's making his banana pudding!! YEP, YEP!

Can't say this enough....I LOVE THIS EATING LIFESTYLE!!!

Total happy dance time!


Complimentary meal
2 fried eggs with real bacon pieces and cheddar
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Complimentary meal
5oz boston butt steak seared
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 can spinach

Reward Meal
2 pieces fried chicken (thighs)
1 1/2 cups mashed potatoes
1 cup green beans
1 cup banana pudding
2 glasses Pepsi

approx 5 liters water

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Feeling The Difference

Weight: 317.2        Total: -5.8      Average: 3.4  (in past 3 days)

Have you ever felt that awkward jiggle, when you've lost weight, but need to tone? I felt it yesterday walking from the cashier to the gas pump yesterday! At first I was horrified, but then I said "Progress!" My jeans even felt a little looser. So yesterday was a good day, and today has started even better.

I'm definitely going for a long walk today! I've only been on short walks the last couple of days, but when I let Hambone out this morning, I could feel the fall in the air. I don't have a lot of time before the sun is up, so this is going to be short again today!

Hope your day is filled with nice surprises, with the wind at your back and the sun on your face!


Hambone has nearly gotten himself on restriction from walks. Though I know he needs them, I also need to get him under control when he sees other animals. He successfully clothes lined Jude today on our 1.5 mile walk!

So going to do some research on getting him under control. Until then, Jude and I will take our walks alone!

Mini-celebration time! What 5 pounds of fat looks like! HUGGZZ

Complimentary meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Complimentary meal
Can of green beans
2 fried eggs topped with bacon pieces and cheddar (OMG YUMMY)

Reward Meal
2 chicken tenders with ranch and hot sauce
3 tater tots
2 cups (maybe more) sauteed cabbage in sesame oil
1 cup yogurt
1 cup animal graham crackers
(thought about some ice cream, but forgot about it until now!)

3 or more liters of water (was a little behind today, I may have hit the 4 liter mark, but 3 for sure)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Another Day

Weight 318.8              Total: -4.2  

I slept so restlessly last night. I think mostly because I took a nap yesterday afternoon. It was unintentional, I laid down with Jude for him to take a nap and woke up 2 hours later.

All night I dreamed about South Dakota. I dreamed my father-in-law, my husband's exwife, and I were there visiting. I wanted to stay. There were lots of different wild animals too. A great owl, a deer, a tiger, and maybe a mother bear and her cubs?! So strange!

I have a busy day ahead of me, and really I'd rather hide and wish them away, that's just my natural personality. I will pull my boot straps up though and get on with it!

Have an awesome day, I'll be back for consumption tonight!



Complimentary meal
2 hard boiled eggs
2 stalks celery with cream cheese

Complimentary meal
grilled chicken breast with hot sauce
stalk of celery with cream cheese
Cucumber water

Reward meal
green salad with tomato, black olives, mozzarella, crackers, sunflower seeds-ranch
1/2 Adkins broccoli and chicken meal (too salty)
2 swiss cake rolls
cucumber water
1/2 cup strawberry banana yogurt

Thursday, September 5, 2013

One Foot In Front Of The Other

Half The Girl
Weight: 320.4            Total: -2.6

Yesterday was my first really bad day on this "new eating plan." I stuck to it though and I still averaged a 2.6 pound weight loss. It was very hard to keep this in perspective. The scale was back to 320.4 this morning and I'm pretty sure it was the salty ham that had made me retain water. NO MORE! I need to watch my sodium. To add to that the night before I had fried shrimp, french fries, and frickles! I'm such a silly fat girl!

I ate my breakfast early this morning. A little worried about being able to maintain until noon. Hopefully some coffee throughout the day will hold me off.

To bring it all into perspective I'm posting a pic of what 1 pound of fat looks like.

In The News

*Ariel Castro hangs himself in jail, or did he? Maybe we'll never know. The first thing I thought, was the guards did it. Maybe they even looked the other way while an inmate did it. Then I thought, "sounds like a selfish, abuser to me, trying to escape punishment. While sending out one more blow of abuse."

The woman he tortured are bound to feel misplaced guilt. They are strong though, and I am confident they will overcome, and maybe find some relief.

Fun At The Beach
Friday and Saturday (September 5th and 6th)
Blues at the Beach
17th street park
$5 a day or $8 for both days
(children are welcome)

Gotta get these kids going! Have an awesome day!

Complimentary Meal
1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese
2 pieces ham lunchmeat

Complimentary Meal
Sauteed chicken breast (skinless) with asparagus and sesame oil
Cucumber water
Green salad with cucumber, black olives,parmesian-ranch

Reward meal
Sauteed chicken breast (skinless) with green beans and sesame oil (dipped some in BBQ sauce)
cucumber water
Green salad with cucumber, black olives, provolone, tomato, french's fried onion, sesame seeds, beets-     ranch
2 bites spinach and goat cheese pizza
small apple

My early breakfast lasted me for about 4 hours, surprisingly. If you notice, I just made the apple my desert. Originally. I was only going to have desert on Sundays and Wednesday's. I may extend that to Friday's also, unless I see a dramatic change of weight tomorrow (Hee Hee)! Basically the kids want me to make this banana pie, and if I so desire a piece, I'll eat it guilt free.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Enough Already!

I am not going to post my weight today, because there is really no sense in it. I've followed this diet to the T, and I'm almost back to what I originally was last week. I'm not quite ready to give up on it yet though.

I have noticed extreme differences in my energy levels. Every night for a week I have slept through the night. I wake on my own early in the morning. I might not feel spry, but I definitely couldn't go back to sleep. I am not hungry all the time, nor do I crave things.

For the past half hour, I've been searching "low carb" forums for more information. I am going to get back to that.

I bid you a good day!

A Couple Hours Later, and a lot of reading

Now that I am not as flustered, this is what I know for sure:

Low Carb vs Low Calorie (for me)

Pros for Low Carb
* When I have tried any other diet besides low carb, I am continuously hungry.
Not only am I hungry, but I feel deprived because I crave the foods that I am not
supposed to eat.

*Low carb delivers relief from cravings. I don't feel as if I am always missing out, because I don't even WANT the cake, or cookies, or whatever.

* I LOSE weight on the low carb. It is the only plan that I have been able to be faithful to for more than a day or so.

Cons for Low Carb

* Everyone seems to have an opinion on ketosis and ketoacidosis. I've read them all probably.
It's all very confusing, and I don't want to do any more damage to my kidneys then there already
is...long story.

I could get a Dr's opinion, but they vary also. I never trust any doctor completely! Depending on who I ask, will depend on the answer. I already know that!

Other than becoming Vegan, which I know is probably the best, I am a meat eater. I love my veggies, but life without a good steak, is not a life worth living.

After talking to my husband, I think I will mainly stay at low carb. He has noticed the difference in me and likes it (He also said the piece of ham that I said was so salty, may be making me retain water). The differences this week are not enough. I have to start seeing the weight go down and fast.

My spine doctor said that I "need to lose weight now, to avoid back surgery." That was almost 3 years ago. Even though I have the energy, I still can not wash the dinner dishes in one setting. I have to wash for about 10 minutes, sit for 10, get up and go at it again. Same with every chore I have. Thus at the end of the day, I have a ton of things, that didn't get done.

This cycle makes me a sub-par housekeeper and an inactive mother. I can have pain pills prescribed at anytime. They are handed to me without question, but I don't like them. I don't like feeling impaired or high.

So in closing, the plan for this week is to follow a low carb diet for the next week with only having a "reward" meal on Sunday and Wednesday. I will still keep to eating it within the hour time limit, noted in The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet to keep from having cravings.

Hope is restored!

Complimentary Meal
2 soft boiled eggs
1 stalk celery with cream cheese
cucumber water

Complimentary Meal
Green salad with tomato, cucumber, green onion, black olives, provolone-ranch
Adkins Chili con carne frozen meal
cucumber water

Reward Meal
3-4 cup spaghetti
2 pieces garlic bread
moderate slice lemon cake with cream cheese icing
2 fiber gummies
cucumber water

4 liters water
5 cups coffee

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Little Confused

Half The Girl

Weight: ? 320.2, 319.8 ?          Loss: (Average) 3.2

I do not like this scale I bought. I had two different readings today. Whatever! I am obviously on a high weight day, or maybe yesterday was a low weight day. Either way, I still have a 3.2 pound weight loss for the week and that is spot on to 1% of my body weight for the week.

Yesterday I took two 20 minute walks, did a 10 minute Pilates video, shopped for school supplies and groceries, cleaned out the fridge, and folded some laundry. My activity and energy levels have increased dramatically. I will not let the little increase of weight sway me!

I really want to do the Pilates again today, but I don't want to push too hard. I will stretch today and go for my walks. I'm looking forward to my breakfast, 2 hard boiled eggs with celery and cream cheese. Doesn't sound like much, especially if I would've had it last week. I know that it will satisfy me for hours and I LIKE THAT!

Even though I woke up at 4:30 am, I'm holding off on breakfast until 7. I am not overly hungry right now, and don't want to space my meals through the day so far apart. Maybe that's a mistake, I don't know.

The Good, The Ok's, and The STAY-AWAYS

GOOD: Cheeseburger In Paradise
739 Lynnhaven Pkwy
Sute 200
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Phone: 757-498-1518
The manager there is Kenan...Awesome! Our favorite waiter so far is Danny. His service was outstanding. He was polite, real, and efficient. I even liked that instead of coming to the table to ask if we needed more drinks (which I was the only one that caught this), he discreetly walked past the table looking at our cups. Then quietly went to each person that needed more to refill them, instead of interrupting the conversation. Oh, and when my son wanted a refill on his soda, Danny asked my permission to give him one! GRADE A! Also, if you don't want to stand and wait for a table, just call ahead and make a reservation!

Complimentary Meal
1 hard boiled egg
1 stalk of celery with cream cheese

Complimentary Meal
Green salad with ham, pepperonis, black olives, provolone, Parmesan, tomatoes, cukes, green onion-ranch

Reward Meal
Green salad with pepperonis, beets, black olives, provolone, tomatoes, cukes, green onion, crackers-ranch
piece of ham
2 chicken tenders- fried
1/2 cup cooked broccoli
1/4 instant mashed potatoes
1/4 baked beans
BIG piece of homemade lemon cake! ( for the first time, I made my own I was a little over the top...okay, A LOT over the top!)

4 liters of water
2.5 cups of coffee
32 oz cucumber water

Monday, September 2, 2013

Four Pounds And Several Diets Ago

Half The Girl

Weight: 318.8    Total: -4.2

It seems like it's going sooo slow! I know that it is good to be moderate, but I am so very anxious about getting this weight off of me. Four pounds is monumental in the course of a week, and the diet only recommends 2, or 1% of your body weight.

I love numbers. I love projecting estimates. Usually it's money, "how much can I save, until this date?"
Of course I've started doing this with my weight. Kind of an incentive. I don't write the numbers down, I don't want to sabotage, just motivate. If I don't make the mark, I probably won't remember anyways. Especially since the numbers are going to change constantly.

I have come to accept that I will probably not be half of me by June 2014. Maybe I can make the quarter mark? And by Christmas 2014?

I think I'm going to add a quick Pilates routine every other day. I tried this one today, I didn't do too terribly bad, but I will learn to plank, I will!!
10 Minute Easy Pilates (Beginners)

Well, I am off for a walk here shortly. I'm not taking Hambone today. I want to walk more than 1/4 mile without my shoulder feeling displaced. I'll take him out in the back to do some more leash training later. He is getting better, starting to keep pace with me and stay to my right. If he sees something like another dog, a squirrel, a cat, a bird, he tries to drag me along for the ride though. I seriously don't see how his previous owner did it!


P.s. A little aggravated today. School supply and grocery shopping took so long, it went through my
complimentary lunch! I am so hungry, but we have reservations at 5 o'clock and I don't want to eat so close to my reward meal! Aaarrgghh!

I guess the brighter side is I have some new choices for my meals now, like celery and cream cheese!
Yum! Hope your day is going smoother than mine!
Complimentary Meal
2 scrambled eggs with ham

Reward Meal
(Cheeseburger In Paradise)
Fresh spring mix topped with
avocado, sweet tomatoes, diced
pineapple, applewood smoked bacon
pickled red onions, shredded Satori
cheese and green onions

Fried shrimp
Shrimp tossed in our custom seasoned flour blend, deep
fried to golden brown and served with cole slaw, fries and
cocktail sauce

About 5 frickles with sauce
sweet tea

more than 4 liters of water
2 cups of coffee

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Starting Early

Weight: 319.2     Total: -3.8 lbs  (144 lbs to go!)

I got two different readings this morning 320 and 319.2. Sometimes the scale reads different depending on where you sit it, and I try to place it in the same place every time. I also do it twice. I'm taking the lower number, but that might mean I'll fall short tomorrow, who knows?! What I do know is that I am only supposed to lose 2 pounds a week and I've already lost almost 4 in just a few days.

I'm probably going to have a problem with only losing 2 pounds a week. I am so tired of this weight, I want it off NOW!! I was initially upset that there were only the 4 oz to report, but that was the size of my steak last night. I'm supposed to be staying on the entry level for 2 weeks. I'm not sure that if I'm losing too much, that I'll be able to back off and increase my complimentary meals. I'm already so full, and seeing that number go down is just exhilarating!

Also, I have decided on a weight goal. It's apparently important to set some kind of goal. I said I wanted to be half of me by our 1st anniversary. I just don't think that's logical. I mean, if it happens great, but I need to set some true goals.

My first goal Is to get back to what I weighed November of 2011, which is 290.
My second goal is to weigh what I did after I had my second baby in 1998, which is 250.
My third goal is to weigh what I did after my first baby in 1996. which is about 200.
My final goal is to weigh in at about 175. Which is probably my lowest adult weight. I am broad shouldered and tall. I am truly small at this weight. It might be a little over zealous, and I know that I will not look the same as when I was that size, but a pre-pregnancy weight is what I really desire.

It's 5:20 am, as soon as the sun peeks out, Hambone and I are out for a walk. My day is going to be pretty busy with school supplies and laundry and all my mundane crap. I have hope today though, that I will get a lot accomplished!

Hope your day is eventful too. I will post my consumption tonight and be back tomorrow for updated stats!


Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs

Complimentary Meal
Green salad with cukes, pepperonis, cheddar, 1/4 tomato- ranch
3/4 can of spinach
2-3 oz steak

Reward Meal
2-3 cups Spaggetti
3 moderate size pieces garlic bread
small piece of left over birthday cake

more than 4 liters of water

Today I noticed a huge, and I mean HUGE, difference in appetite! Everything I ate today I mostly had to force myself. I couldn't get more than the eggs down for breakfast. I was mostly done with lunch after my salad, and I didn't wait until I was starving until I ate dinner. I also remember to stop before I felt stuffed.

Tonight I ate dinner at the table with my kids for the first time in weeks due to everyone being here or there during summer. I haven't laughed so hard in so long! Gut wrenching laughter, I love my family, and I love this diet! I really hope it does well for me, I could see myself doing it for life!

Bella had posted a very unfavorable picture of me on Facebook today. I had her delete it, but I will share it with you. I don't want to look like this anymore!