Thursday, September 26, 2013

Velocity Plus What?!

Weight: 307 lbs              Total: -16  lbs

My fingers are a little swollen today. I know I went a bit over my sodium again, but just a little this time. It was them damn Jimmy Dean maple sausages I had for lunch, but they are so GOOD! Next time I'll just have one instead of the serving size of 3.

My main goal when eating now is to take it slow. I'm usually fine during my complimentary meals, but during my reward meals I know I am on a time limit. Even though 60 minutes is plenty of time to eat, I find myself scarfing the food down almost panicked.  

It takes about seven minutes for your body to send out the first shot of insulin. It's about that time that I start feeling full. If I slow down and enjoy my food, I am sure to eat less in the long run. Plus, I find myself obscenely burping all the time. 

I've been a fast eater for a long time, barely chewing or tasting my food. My father was in the Navy when I was growing up. I only lived with him for about six months out of my whole life. When I returned to my mother she noticed that I had started shoveling my food in, not something I had ever done before. Think it probably had something to do with him threatening to leave me at restaurants, and making me leave most of my food on my plate because he was done so now everyone was done? Probably.

Yesterday, I took a short walk with Jude to the park and we took the basketball and the soccer ball. I kicked the soccer ball around all the way there the shot some hoops for about 10 minutes. On the way home I kicked the ball also. Almost to the house, I went to catch the ball, miscalculated and 
bailed right into the grass onto my hands and knee. 

The rest of the day, I was in a good amount of pain. I was so irritated, probably more at myself for being out of shape and uncoordinated, but I seriously felt like I couldn't do anything anymore without getting hurt. What's the velocity of 307 pounds traveling at about 45 miles an hour towards the 
ground? What is the impact rate? 

My knee feels a lot better today, whatever it is. Hopefully it will not stop me from being productive! I want to have all my ducks in order, so we can go to the park this evening after school. The kids have finally resigned themselves that we are sticking to our stricter video game rules and outdoor play is a must before achieving free time. There is a lot less resistance to do other things now, like the park.

My hubby and I are doing a timeline picture project. At the end of my weighing week (Wednesday's)
we are taking a picture of me, so at the end we'll have a full progress blog! I think it is a cool idea. One that will keep me motivated, and remind me how long it took to get back to where I should have been all these years.

Inevitably, there is going to be some hard work getting this mess into shape! My mind is ready for it, but seeing as my body can't or won't comply with certain orders I give it, it might take a while. I need to stick with the Pilates and stretching and just some extra activity! It's hard, because I find it so boring! I want to be out there giving it my all! I have never been able to run, and because of my back, I may never be able to run. I want to run!

I want to feel that euphoric high that every runner talks about. I remember the feeling quite well from doing cool new tricks on my skateboard, or taking my bike through a trail of hills perfect for BMX style biking. I will probably never get back on to a skateboard. If I do, it'll probably have to be a long board. Probably won't ever have the capacity to jump with a dirt bike ever again either. This girl needs a new passion.

I am sorry for being a little slack about logging my food here at night. I'm finding it harder and harder everyday, seeing as I'm less and less on the computer. I've all but given up with my games on Facebook, they just can't hold my attention anymore. 

Since my evenings are busier, I think it would be best that everyday I post the previous day's consumption. 

Hope you have an awesome day people. Thanks for stopping by and all your +1's! It makes me feel like there is someone out there cheering me on!

(Apologies for the way my paragraphs look so cut up sometimes. Truthfully, I don't write like that! I have tried several different ways to correct it, even following a smaller margin, nothing seems to help!)

Complimentary Meal
1 fried egg with cheddar
1 stalk of celery with cream cheese
1 1/2 cups of sauteed cabbage
3 Jimmy Dean Maple sausage links

Reward meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, black olives, fried onions, beets, croutons, cheddar-ranch
1 1/2 cups spaghetti with multigrain pasta
1 piece garlic bread
1 nice sized piece of my Pumpkin Spice cake with cream cheese icing
(throughout the day I drank about 1 1/2 gallons of water and 3 cups black coffee)

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