Saturday, September 28, 2013

Learning As I Go

Weight: 305.9                              Total: -17.1

Waking up today, I feel weird. I'm super jittery, almost like I had a breathing treatment or something.
I'm thinking I might need to take one of my chill pills, for anxiety. I haven't had to take on in over 6 months. I hate taking pills of any kind.

I walk around in pain because I refuse to take the pills my doctor's give me unless it's just too unbearable. I don't like the feeling. I was a drug addict (20 years ago), that was healed by G'd himself. After that, I have no desire to be anything but clear minded.

Man did I eat too much for my lunch yesterday! I was still way within my limits, but oh I was way too full! I have a very bad habit of being frugal and not wanting food to go to waste, almost to a fault.

The bacon basket: I wrap a slice of bacon around and down into a muffin pan. Bake for 10 minutes at 350, then pull them out and crack an egg in each. Put them back in for another 10, sprinkle with pepper and serve. SO good! You can do this with ham, Canadian bacon, or turkey.

I had made the kids breakfast and there were some bacon baskets left. I should have just ate one or two, but I ate the last three. Ugh, my stomach felt so full it nearly hurt! Lesson learned. It put a crunch on my reward meal also, I had to be creative in how to have a very low sodium meal! It wasn't as bad as I had thought, I only went over little more than 400 grams, so it's nothing that can't be undone. I just need to pre-plan and make better choices.

Waking up with a smaller number, just rocks!!! Nothing yesterday, double today! I also have less than 16 pounds before my first goal is achieved and I will weigh what I did when I met my hubby! There's only 26 pounds left until I attempt to quit smoking, 6 pounds to go before revealing this blog to my friends, and my ultimate goal is still very possibly in sight to be half of me by June 12th, 2014!

Complimentary Meal
2 Bacon Baskets

Complimentary Meal
3 Bacon Baskets

Reward Meal
1 can no salt green beans
2 yeast rolls with unsalted butter
1 piece Pumpkin Spice cake with cream cheese icing

***Please don't refer to these meal as a typical meal. I feel I need to be honest about what I've consumed, but this is not a good example of how we should eat! Being healthy is the most important way to lose weight! Please go to my other meals, they give a better picture.****

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