Saturday, September 14, 2013

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Weight: 314.4       Total: 8.6

Last night I went out with the kids to the local park. For the first hour we semi-played baseball. There wasn't enough big kids, to play a full game. Maybe in a few more years! It was still fun, but when I ran the bases I was so happy it was only us out there. My fat clapped as I chugged it out!

Wow! This is the girl that rode BMX style everywhere, loved skateboarding, rollerblading, horseback riding, and was up for a game of football with the guys at any time. I hang my head down in the reality of what I have become. I don't want to be this anymore!

I have to decided to make this a ritual event. As the temperatures lower, and fall is upon us, this is a new resolution. To me and to my family. I will not be stagnate any longer. I will do whatever I need to become what I need to be.

For the last hour I kicked the soccer ball around with Jude, while Rob flew his helicopter. Who by the way was talking pretzel burgers again! UGH! I NEED SUPPORT! Not a freaking hot tasty mess of unhealthy crap!

I am paying for running around the field. A little in my back, but a lot in my heels. I can barely walk.
Hopefully, it will be gone soon, Jude is looking forward to kicking the ball around again today, and it is supposed to be a mild 72 degrees.

I'm really considering throwing out the scale. It's going so slow. I am so ready to see my loss in double digits (10 lbs)! I'm trying to keep it in perspective, but it is HARD!

From my food tracking I can see why this diet works. It's actually a caloric diet. If I eat lower carbohydrates through the day, it keeps me from snacking on a the bad stuff, then even if I eat my full at reward meals, my calories only reach but so far. Most days I am only eating 1200 calories a day, and still going to bed full! Maybe it's just a theory.

Hope your day is wonderful!


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Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1/2 cup cottage cheese

Complimentary Meal
1/2 cucumber sliced
1 can tuna with mayo, kosher dill pickles chopped, Mrs.Dash
1 slice american cheese

Reward Meal
1 burger patty with cheese (approx 2-3 oz)
1 stalk celery with cream cheese
1 cup peach yogurt
1 can green beans

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