Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Enough Already!

I am not going to post my weight today, because there is really no sense in it. I've followed this diet to the T, and I'm almost back to what I originally was last week. I'm not quite ready to give up on it yet though.

I have noticed extreme differences in my energy levels. Every night for a week I have slept through the night. I wake on my own early in the morning. I might not feel spry, but I definitely couldn't go back to sleep. I am not hungry all the time, nor do I crave things.

For the past half hour, I've been searching "low carb" forums for more information. I am going to get back to that.

I bid you a good day!

A Couple Hours Later, and a lot of reading

Now that I am not as flustered, this is what I know for sure:

Low Carb vs Low Calorie (for me)

Pros for Low Carb
* When I have tried any other diet besides low carb, I am continuously hungry.
Not only am I hungry, but I feel deprived because I crave the foods that I am not
supposed to eat.

*Low carb delivers relief from cravings. I don't feel as if I am always missing out, because I don't even WANT the cake, or cookies, or whatever.

* I LOSE weight on the low carb. It is the only plan that I have been able to be faithful to for more than a day or so.

Cons for Low Carb

* Everyone seems to have an opinion on ketosis and ketoacidosis. I've read them all probably.
It's all very confusing, and I don't want to do any more damage to my kidneys then there already
is...long story.

I could get a Dr's opinion, but they vary also. I never trust any doctor completely! Depending on who I ask, will depend on the answer. I already know that!

Other than becoming Vegan, which I know is probably the best, I am a meat eater. I love my veggies, but life without a good steak, is not a life worth living.

After talking to my husband, I think I will mainly stay at low carb. He has noticed the difference in me and likes it (He also said the piece of ham that I said was so salty, may be making me retain water). The differences this week are not enough. I have to start seeing the weight go down and fast.

My spine doctor said that I "need to lose weight now, to avoid back surgery." That was almost 3 years ago. Even though I have the energy, I still can not wash the dinner dishes in one setting. I have to wash for about 10 minutes, sit for 10, get up and go at it again. Same with every chore I have. Thus at the end of the day, I have a ton of things, that didn't get done.

This cycle makes me a sub-par housekeeper and an inactive mother. I can have pain pills prescribed at anytime. They are handed to me without question, but I don't like them. I don't like feeling impaired or high.

So in closing, the plan for this week is to follow a low carb diet for the next week with only having a "reward" meal on Sunday and Wednesday. I will still keep to eating it within the hour time limit, noted in The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet to keep from having cravings.

Hope is restored!

Complimentary Meal
2 soft boiled eggs
1 stalk celery with cream cheese
cucumber water

Complimentary Meal
Green salad with tomato, cucumber, green onion, black olives, provolone-ranch
Adkins Chili con carne frozen meal
cucumber water

Reward Meal
3-4 cup spaghetti
2 pieces garlic bread
moderate slice lemon cake with cream cheese icing
2 fiber gummies
cucumber water

4 liters water
5 cups coffee

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