Sunday, September 29, 2013

Don't Go Hungry

                                      Weight: 305.9                    Total: 17.1

I'm seeing my meals get smaller and smaller, please know that I am only eating
what I am hungry for. The further I get into this way of eating, the less hungry I am.
DON'T GO HUNGRY!! I'm not, I didn't, and you shouldn't nor do you need to!

Eat as much as you need to get you through to the next meal, because there is NO
snacking, unless you are trying to maintain! If you need 3 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon,
and a salad or something else for your CM's do it! After a while you'll find that it's
less and less, at least that's what I'm experiencing!

Now, if I had some hamburger defrosted, I probably would have made a cheeseburger
(ha ha)! I really just wanted the prosciutto and provolone, and I was completely satisfied,
until about 5 hours later when it was time for dinner.

Everyone had Rally's last night. It was my first trip through a drive-thru window since I
started, and if I have my way it'll be my last. At first, I was going to pick something, and
then after feeling overwhelmed by the smell I couldn't get away fast enough. I did not like
the smell anymore even though I was hungry, and as I was driving home envisioned
myself throwing the crap out of the window.

As I logged my food in last night, I was so surprised that I had only consumed 1,099
calories come the end of the day. I felt like I pigged out! I really felt like I gorged myself
at dinner. Again, I am beside myself. This is a person who couldn't follow a 1800 calorie a
day diet...EVER!

Today, I will have to eat some breakfast, to try and raise my intake. I don't want my body
thinking it's in famine, and go into starvation mode. It does feel good to lose weight though!

Not even twenty pounds down and I am seeing awesome things. As I was cleaning and
walking down the hall, I noticed that the hall seemed wider. I was tidying up the kitchen
and was surprised at how fast I was doing it. I bounced up the stairs. I notice a slight
swing to my hips as I walked instead of a forced limp, because of back pain.

I won't know the full effect on my life until I get there, but I am coming Life, brace for impact!


Complimentary Meal
1 stalk celery with cream cheese
1 piece of prosciutto cut into 3 pieces
3 slices of smoked provolone rolled with the prosciutto

Reward Meal
2 Tyson panko chicken tenders
Spinach salad with cucumber, tomato, fried onion, beets-ranch
3 Rally fries...they weren't as good as I thought they'd be
2 bites of a Rally burger...was as good as I thought it'd be
1 small sweet potato with butter and skin

1 1/2 gallons water and 3 cups of coffee

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