Monday, September 30, 2013

Not Such A Smooth Move, Ex-Lax!

Weight: 305.0                           Total: -18 lbs

What I may have found out is that eating breakfast makes me hungrier! It's not too big
of a surprise, it's been my biggest fault with caloric diets. Unlike those though, I was
able to hold out until 11:30 am, just about my regular lunch time anyways.

I also realized that green tea is not a replacement for my morning coffee (ha ha)! I do
like green tea, but I guess my body is used to having it woken up with a cup of Joe. As
a result, I dragged a bit yesterday.

Coffee also stimulates a bathroom visit, which since I didn't drink any, of course didn't
happen! That info might be TMI for some, but it's a very important thing for anyone trying
to lose. You can lose weight with out losing inches, and that malfunction is usually the

If you think that this might be your problem, stay away from laxatives! They should only
be used in emergencies. As a teen my cousin was trying to lose weight for the Army and
was using them. Me thinking, cool an easy out, I started taking them. I lost weight, then
as soon as I stopped taking them, gained it back.

That wasn't the worst part. After stopping the use, I had to be put on Colace
(a stool softener) for YEARS just to go, and my dumping system has never
been the same since! So, if you are not regular in that department, here's a few
natural ideas, to help keep pace!

*coffee, my favorite

*lots of fiber, I sometimes use fiber gummies, they are high in carbs so I take them during
 RM's. There is also fiber pills, but I hate pills! (personal weirdness)

*water, water, WATER!

*Detox tea. It's great every once in a while, but if you take it everyday your body becomes
  used to it, and you stop seeing the motion. You can buy this at Vitamin Shoppe for about

Exercise has not been on the menu for the past couple days. That is not the best, but it's
a school day, that means a walk to the school bus and back. Hopefully that will get my
blood pumping and I'll want to hit the court with Jude.

I stayed in bed a little longer, because Jude woke up and I wanted him to go back to
sleep, before getting out of bed. I'd rather be up by 4:30, but it was almost 6 this
morning and my "me time" has been cut! Bah!

Hope you all have an awesome day today!



Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs

Complimentary meal
Approx 5 oz hamburger
2 slices bacon
1 slice 1% American cheese
1 can no salt green beans

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, beets, fried onions-ranch
1 cup House Mei Fun

1 gallon water, 3 cups green tea

I found this was a great balance last night. I was not hungry, but I wasn't uncomfortably
full. Though, I must say I was looking forward to a doughnut, and the hubby forgot to bring
one home!

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