Thursday, September 12, 2013

Six In One Hand, Half A Dozen In The Other

Weight: 315          Total: 8

I had two choices last night, eat or sleep. I chose the latter. I had only eaten lunch, but by the time dinner was ready, I knew I was ready to go to bed. If I would've eaten, I would have needed to stay up for two or three hours. I knew I just wasn't up for that. So I weighed my options heavily, and decided to go to bed early.

Surprisingly, I wasn't very hungry anyways. If there are any nay-sayers, I seriously was not trying to deprive myself, I had actually been looking forward to eating dinner. I had picked up some really yummy looking brownies with cream cheese icing for desert! I WILL have them tonight! I am not in any way trying to starve myself, to only be unhealthy and gain it all back faster than I lost it!!

I thought it would be good, to note the changes. Even though it's only been 2 weeks I have noticed quite a few. First my upper belly fat seems to be reduced, possibly the bottom too. I've noticed a difference in my thighs. My bra is comfortable now, not pinching me.

 I sleep mostly through the night. Early to bed and early to rise. This has been the most amazing part! I have such a manic sleeping pattern, that I have never been able to adjust to a routine bedtime and wake time. Since I've started this eating plan it happened so naturally for me. Almost every night I go to bed between 8 and 11 pm and wake up between 4 and 6 am. I have always wanted to be a morning person, but never able to achieve it for more than a day or two.

I am not hungry all the time! Even if I wanted to snack, it is undesirable, because I don't crave any specific thing, and I stay full most of the day!

My plans for today is a short walk, some stretching, and I was thinking maybe going out back and playing kick ball with Jude. He has been so slighted with everyone being older and doing their own thing. He used to play with his cousin several times a week, but I guess his mum has found a new best friend, which is cool with me (way too much drama there for me), but has left my boy without a playmate!

I do have a nagging pinch between my shoulders. That might hinder my happiness today, it has to be how I slept last night.

Walmart has not called me back yet for an interview, BAH! If I haven't heard from them by the afternoon, I am going to go back up there and gently bother them again. I also might get to act as a porter at my husband's work. That would be super cool too!

Christmas is coming and our goose is very sickly!

Live today like it was your last!


Complimentary meal
2 eggs scrambled
1 sausage patty (which I think has me feelin' yucky!)

Complimentary Meal
1/2 large cucumber- ranch to dip
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 boiled egg
1 can spinach

Reward Meal
2 chicken tenders
1/4 cup baked beans
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 can green beans
6 tater tots
bbq sauce
2 brownies with cream cheese icing

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