Friday, September 27, 2013

Fatty On The Court

Weight: 307                            Total:-16 lbs

I've lost so much in the past week, I should not mind that my weight held the same. Guess I'm a
little over ambitious? I know that other things are going on, and that muscle weighs more than fat.
I have the exercised soreness all over my body from 2 days on the basketball court shooting hoops.

I am just shooting hoops a little above "leisure", and kicking the soccer ball around to and from
the park. I could not believe the workout this is giving me, so I looked it up. The benefits of
basketball are ridiculous. As long as I keep challenging myself out there, I get a near total workout!

                                                 (Jude wants a basket so bad!)

I also used the swings to do a little lifting. I would lean all the way back and pull my self up with my arms and tummy. I did about 3 reps of five doing this, and I can feel it in my biceps. Remember, I have to stay low impact, not to damage my back more than it is. I refuse to sit here and become a mushy lump of skin though!

Yesterday I began reading this thread by successful losers and what they have experienced since they have achieved their goal weight. It was so intriguing that I couldn't stop reading until the end of the post, and it was LONG!

I would read a couple pages get up and do something, come back and read a few more. It was almost an all day process. Usually, I just skim the threads, looking for success pics, I don't actually read them.
What I concluded is I am about to experience a whole different life.

There is a mountain of things that I am going to have to get used to, and not everything is going to be "hunky dory." Here's some of the pro's and con's I read from people that have lost 50-300 pounds:

*Summer heat is not just bearable, it's enjoyable
*Shoe size gets smaller
*increased libido and sex is better
*(for men) about every 30 lbs lost you gain 1/2 inch to your joystick
*increased attention from the opposite sex (one guy even said his wife treats him better)
*people are nicer to you, talk to you more, you become visible
*you become an inspiration to friends and family
*you like having your picture taken again
*shopping becomes fun, for most
*sleep better
*more energy
*less ailments (getting off medication, CPAP, inhalers, etc.)
*cat calls (everyone seems to enjoy them)
*more comfortable in movie, airplane seats
*new found confidence
*losing weight spills into other parts of life, like cleanliness, organization, and other self
  improvement areas

*cold all the time from fall to spring
*extra saggy skin
*increased unwanted attention from creeps
*you realize just how invisible you were, and how much people judged you
*too often you lose your heavier friends or friends that don't exercise
*you get comments like "you're small enough, you don't eat enough, are you sick?"  
*some find it hard to find clothes that fit them correctly, and they lose their old sense of style
*an overwhelming sense of powerlessness and not being able to protect yourself
*people tend to feel like others are invading their personal space, part of the phantom fat syndrome  
*lost cushion in the rump tends to make finding a comfortable sitting position harder

Every single one said they would easily take the good with the bad. Also, that over all, their life was
so much more fulfilling. They even remark about how people constantly ask them "How did you do
it?" Some of their replies had become sarcastic, because no one wants to hear, "eating healthy and lots of exercise!"  Stating that their eyes tend to glaze over, they just tune out, or change the subject!

I can totally relate. I remember saying "Bloody Hell, I can't get off the couch much less do 5 minutes of aerobics!" I was miserable up until about a month ago. It wasn't just a move your ass thing. I literally felt glued to the sofa. I was fatigue all the time, and there seemed no end in sight.

Then the wonderful book arrived, explaining to me why I felt this way.  I wasn't just lazy with no will power, there was a metabolic and biological reason. I saw hope like a ray of light, and I have to say that I feel totally different already.

By finding this way of eating, and recognizing the problem I was able to release a lot of guilt I had placed upon myself for not being able to follow a caloric diet, and achieve something I so dearly wanted. I felt like a real loser.

Last night I even got straight up from the table and washed the dishes. I can't remember the last time I did that. It was just another victory moment. Am I where I want to be? Oh heck no! I am on the path I want to be on though. I will get there eventually.

My father-in-law says I am a completely different person from when he left and came back (about 3 weeks time). When he left the first time I was just beginning. He noticed that I had more energy, but probably figured I would go off the diet, or it was just a good couple of days.

When he returned he saw more than just that little improvement, and kept remarking about how I seemed more awake and more attentive. That the weight loss was indeed visible. He'll be back in 3
weeks and I can't wait. I love getting compliments from someone who has a handful of degrees and doctorates! Vain? Maybe, just a little.

My daughter, China said that she's even been talking about me in school and when out with friends. She's so happy to see the difference. Every morning being up to talk to her before she goes to school, seeing me stick to something, and knowing the numbers are going down has given her some sense of pride in me.

Oh how I would have loved to see that number go down again today. I need to change my focus. I think it is changing, it just may take a while. Maybe when I start seeing the pants sizes go down, it'll make relying on the scale much less important.

HUGGZZ to you all. Have a wonderful day!
Complimentary Meal
2 cups sauteed cabbage and ground beef- sesame oil
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, beets, fried onions-ranch
1 1/2 cups spaghetti sauce with ground beef and parmesian, no noodles
2 yeast rolls with butter
1 cup 1% milk

about 5 liters of water and 3 cups coffee


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