Sunday, September 8, 2013

Unfreakin' Believable!!

Weight: 315.4    Total: -7.6

I am so stoked this morning!! I've had two babies that weighed less than what I've lost so far! I am almost what I weighed 2 months ago when I decided to go whole foods and started taking those "natural diet helpers!"

Plans today: stretching and Pilates for 20-30 minutes (for toning), maybe a short walk. Then it's cleaning my abomination of a house! Actually, it's not that bad, but could use a little attention. Then off to pick up some of my kids from their dad's and have a reward dinner with my uncle!

I can't wait for tonight, I just hope his fried chicken is not too salty. If it is I will have to take the breading off...oh and he's making his banana pudding!! YEP, YEP!

Can't say this enough....I LOVE THIS EATING LIFESTYLE!!!

Total happy dance time!


Complimentary meal
2 fried eggs with real bacon pieces and cheddar
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Complimentary meal
5oz boston butt steak seared
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 can spinach

Reward Meal
2 pieces fried chicken (thighs)
1 1/2 cups mashed potatoes
1 cup green beans
1 cup banana pudding
2 glasses Pepsi

approx 5 liters water

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