Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Boys Stay Out! This Is A Girls Day!

Weight 314.8                Total?

I posted my weight, but I'm not posting a total today. I knew this week I would see a gain, just because I am a woman. I'm not upset, because I know that I've lost 10 pounds of fat regardless of what the scale says for the next few days.

I've even thought about not weighing through it, but it's kinda nice to know how much water weight to expect. You know how much I love seeing the numbers go down. I guess, it is what it is!

 Knowledge Is Power

For those of you that suffer from extremely hard cycles and cramps, I wanted to leave a couple tips I have found very useful.  I have suffered with endometriosis for most of my life. Each pregnancy reversing it, or making it worse! If you don't know what that is, let me explain what it feels like.
Every month for 1-3 days you feel as though you are having a baby, without the wonderful ending.

*My favorite so far is the water bottle! Use an old plastic bottle filled with hot water and rotate from your lower back to you abdomen about every 10-20 minutes. I also have a water bag, it's more pliable, and can be bought at Walmart for about $5

*DO NOT use heating pads! Dry heat is not good for your body. The electricity will sap your energy. Hot water is more effective.

*Drink lots of water! In the past 4-5 months I have upped my water intake. I have always had dreadful heavy and crampy periods. I have notice lately with the water increase that I have little to no cramps, and my cycle is so much lighter.

*Ibuprofen for pain. I can not take this, because of having ulcers many years ago. My doctor prescribes me a non narcotic pain killer with muscle relaxers (which is also for my back). If ibuprofen is not cutting it for you, there are other alternatives, and if your doctor says no...get another doctor!

My daughter, China, is telling me to include pickle juice. She swears by it. The only negative I could think about trying it would be the sodium, which my cause water retention.

I hope you've found this blog informative today! May the wind be at your back and the sun shine upon your face!


Complimentary Meal
Scrambled eggs with spinach, bacon, and cheddar

Complimentary Meal
Spinach salad with cucumber, tomato, cheddar-ranch
Bratwurst with mustard

Reward Meal
1 1/2 cups of Chele's Super Mac (kielbasa chunks and broccoli in mac and cheese)
Spinach salad with cucumber, tomato, cheddar, croutons, green olives, beets-ranch
Key-lime pie with cool whip
2 whole wheat rolls with butter

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