Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I'm Such A Loser, And I Love It!

Weight : 307.2                  Total: -15.8               Average for the week: -4.1

Wow! What a great finish to a week! I am beside myself. I don't know what to think. I am on a roll and I don't want to stop. My stats for the month are unbelievable! In 4 weeks I have lost 15.8 pounds, and I ate cake!

I was a little concerned about my nutrients, so I went to myfitnesspal, where I have been logging all my food. There was very little deficiency at all, and I know that the little I'm not getting, my multivitamin will cover.

I love that I feel in control of my choices, and that there is not some biological need or desire for the
wrong ones. Last night while my kids were hitting fresh pizza, I was savoring every bite of my
sauteed cabbage in sesame oil. I could have had a piece if I wanted, but even though in my mind I thought oh, yummy, cheesy, hot body said not interested!

People, there is a difference in what you're mind tells you and what your body tells you. When you're mind is telling you something you have a choice. When your body tells you something, you still have a choice but it's harder to make the right one. If you neglect to satisfy it you find yourself feeling deprived (sometimes for days after).

I do not feel deprived, AT ALL! I made this incredible cake yesterday. The best I've ever made! I still had a piece after dinner. It was AMAZING! Bobby told his father that he only wanted a small piece and I told him that it tastes better than it looks...he asked for another piece!!

I wish I was a bit more artistic, even icing a cake is difficult for me! It definitely did taste better than it looked!

The Next Endeavor
My father-in-law and I set a goal weight for me to quit smoking (280 lbs). I'm very nervous about it, but hopefully I am a lot more mobile by then, and can walk off any nervous energy. If the weight keeps dropping like this I will be quitting before Christmas!

Speaking of Christmas, it's rolling up fast and I still haven't heard from Walmart. I really hope they didn't try to call while my phone was cut off! The lady said one to two weeks. Yesterday was a week.
They probably didn't, but the thought is still nagging me.

Well folks, I gotta git! Only 15 minutes before I start waking the masses for school, and I need to try and proof read before posting!

May the wind be at your back, and the sun shine on your face!
                                      (my one-a-day for 9/25/13: Fall is coming!!)



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