Monday, September 16, 2013

Double Digits

Weight 313                  Total: 10

I finally did it! My weight loss is in the double digits! I have not fallen from this diet once in the 18-19 days I have been on it. It is the EASIEST, most satisfying way of eating I have ever attempted!

I am sure that I will have my ups and downs. I know this coming week I am due for a gain, but I will keep my eye on the ball. To celebrate I will post a picture of Jude, my last baby who weighed 9.6 pounds at birth, to signify the weight that is gone, gone, GONE!
The nurses at the hospital gave him that mohawk, and named him "Baby Sumo." It seems like a dream. Now Jude is 3, walking, talking, potty trained, and probably my best mate!

Every time he goes potty, he runs to tell me, then asks "Does that make you happy, Mom? Does that make you really, REALLY happy?"

I didn't end up going for a walk yesterday. I wanted to, but around 9 am, I started feeling a bit ill. My stomach was cramping, and several trips to the bathroom. I didn't want to get caught too far from home, so yesterday was an off day from exercise. I also had a few dizzy spells, which is not uncommon for me. I tend to have very low blood pressure.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Sukkot is drawing near. Happy Birthday Y'shua!


Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Complimentary Meal
1 can spinach
1/2 kosher dill spear
1 hamburger patty with cheese (3-4oz)

Reward Meal (oh my, was it a reward! I stayed well under my sodium limit AND less than 1700 cal.)
1 cup green beans
1/4 cup carrots
1/4 homemade cheesy mac
1 1/2 bbq chicken (leg quarters)
1 cup mashed potatoes
Piece of Key Lime Pie

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