Sunday, September 1, 2013

Starting Early

Weight: 319.2     Total: -3.8 lbs  (144 lbs to go!)

I got two different readings this morning 320 and 319.2. Sometimes the scale reads different depending on where you sit it, and I try to place it in the same place every time. I also do it twice. I'm taking the lower number, but that might mean I'll fall short tomorrow, who knows?! What I do know is that I am only supposed to lose 2 pounds a week and I've already lost almost 4 in just a few days.

I'm probably going to have a problem with only losing 2 pounds a week. I am so tired of this weight, I want it off NOW!! I was initially upset that there were only the 4 oz to report, but that was the size of my steak last night. I'm supposed to be staying on the entry level for 2 weeks. I'm not sure that if I'm losing too much, that I'll be able to back off and increase my complimentary meals. I'm already so full, and seeing that number go down is just exhilarating!

Also, I have decided on a weight goal. It's apparently important to set some kind of goal. I said I wanted to be half of me by our 1st anniversary. I just don't think that's logical. I mean, if it happens great, but I need to set some true goals.

My first goal Is to get back to what I weighed November of 2011, which is 290.
My second goal is to weigh what I did after I had my second baby in 1998, which is 250.
My third goal is to weigh what I did after my first baby in 1996. which is about 200.
My final goal is to weigh in at about 175. Which is probably my lowest adult weight. I am broad shouldered and tall. I am truly small at this weight. It might be a little over zealous, and I know that I will not look the same as when I was that size, but a pre-pregnancy weight is what I really desire.

It's 5:20 am, as soon as the sun peeks out, Hambone and I are out for a walk. My day is going to be pretty busy with school supplies and laundry and all my mundane crap. I have hope today though, that I will get a lot accomplished!

Hope your day is eventful too. I will post my consumption tonight and be back tomorrow for updated stats!


Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs

Complimentary Meal
Green salad with cukes, pepperonis, cheddar, 1/4 tomato- ranch
3/4 can of spinach
2-3 oz steak

Reward Meal
2-3 cups Spaggetti
3 moderate size pieces garlic bread
small piece of left over birthday cake

more than 4 liters of water

Today I noticed a huge, and I mean HUGE, difference in appetite! Everything I ate today I mostly had to force myself. I couldn't get more than the eggs down for breakfast. I was mostly done with lunch after my salad, and I didn't wait until I was starving until I ate dinner. I also remember to stop before I felt stuffed.

Tonight I ate dinner at the table with my kids for the first time in weeks due to everyone being here or there during summer. I haven't laughed so hard in so long! Gut wrenching laughter, I love my family, and I love this diet! I really hope it does well for me, I could see myself doing it for life!

Bella had posted a very unfavorable picture of me on Facebook today. I had her delete it, but I will share it with you. I don't want to look like this anymore!

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