Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Drop It Like It's Hot!

Weight: 308.4                 Total: -14.6 lbs (less than 4 weeks)

Today's goal: Stay away from sodium!!!

My 3 year old must have thought I was crazy yesterday. Sometime in the mid-afternoon, I realized
that my rings were super loose again. Then when I finally put my jeans on to run to the store, they
felt especially loose also.

About an hour later, I was digging through the winter clothes in my closet, to get to my 22's. Clothes were flying everywhere! Unfortunately, I'm not there yet, and I was a little bummed. Now, waking up to that change on the scale, it can only be called magnificent! In just a few short weeks those 22's will fit me like they were made for me.

As of yet, my blog is pretty much a secret, to everyone I know. Most of my friends are on Facebook.
I do mean friends also. I know most of the people personally, except for a few that I have for gaming purposes. I am trying to keep this little secret until I hit the 200's which is only eight more pounds away!

There is a reason that I have done it this way. I wanted to make sure it worked, before totally falling in front the nay-sayers. I used to blog some years ago and all my friends were very supportive. I started endorsing products, and was very careful, to only endorse quality regardless of the money. I still feel the same way. Only I am getting paid by pounds this time! This is my own endeavor, and personally
I feel there is a lot more to lose!

I know that my compadres will be happy that I am blogging again. I'm just keeping it as a bit of an unveiling.

I am feeling so much better today. Shortly after waking up yesterday, my head started hurting and felt if I had just finished a rocky boat ride. My stomach felt so swampy. So far today, that's gone, and just a bit of a runny nose has greeted me. Hopefully, that's all it'll do and I can have a full productive day.

I hope your day is as awesome as mine has started!


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